Meetup : Moscow meetup: phenomenological analysis, methods of creativity, lightning talks
post by Slava Matyukhin (berekuk) · 2015-02-26T12:44:50.656Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 commentsContents
Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow meetup: phenomenological analysis, methods of creativity, lightning talks Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow meetup: phenomenological analysis, methods of creativity, lightning talks None No comments
Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow meetup: phenomenological analysis, methods of creativity, lightning talks
This Sunday, at our usual place and time, we have the following activities planned:
5-minute talks:
- SD on the model of decision making;
- Max on CBT and traces of automatic thoughts in written texts.
Pion will explain phenomenological analysis, and then we will have our usual belief investigation practice.
Tanya will describe various creativity techniques and conduct the practice session using them.
Details are in the hackpad:
Info for newcomers: We gather in the Yandex office, first revolving door is on the right from the archway, entrance 8.1. Here is a guide how to get to Yandex: If you're late, send me an SMS at +7(926)313-96-42; you'll have to wait until I'm free to go down and meet you (which might take a while, I'm often busy with coordinating other stuff at the meetup). Expected duration of the meetup is 4-5 hours.
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Discussion article for the meetup : Moscow meetup: phenomenological analysis, methods of creativity, lightning talks
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