ML Safety Research Advice - GabeM

post by Gabe M (gabe-mukobi) · 2024-07-23T01:45:42.288Z · LW · GW · 2 comments

This is a link post for


  1. Career Advice
    1.1 General Career Guides
  2. Upskilling
    2.1 Fundamental AI Safety Knowledge
    2.2 Speedrunning Technical Knowledge in 12 Hours
    2.3 How to Build Technical Skills
    2.4 Math
  3. Grad School
    3.1 Why to Do It or Not
    3.2 How to Get In
    3.3 How to Do it Well
  4. The ML Researcher Life
    4.1 Striving for Greatness as a Researcher
    4.2 Research Skills
    4.3 Research Taste
    4.4 Academic Collaborations
    4.5 Writing Papers
    4.6 Publishing
    4.7 Publicizing
  5. Staying Frosty
    5.1 ML Newsletters I Like
    5.2 Keeping up with ML Research
  6. Hiring ML Talent
    6.1 Finding ML Researchers
    6.2 Finding ML Safety-Focused Candidates
    6.3 Incentives

This is my advice for careers in empirical ML research that might help AI safety (ML Safety). Other ways to improve AI safety, such as through AI governance and strategy, might be more impactful than ML safety research (I generally think they are). Skills can be complementary, so this advice might also help AI governance professionals build technical ML skills.

1. Career Advice

1.1 General Career Guides

2. Upskilling

2.1 Fundamental AI Safety Knowledge

2.2 Speedrunning Technical Knowledge in 12 Hours

2.3 How to Build Technical Skills

2.4 Math

3. Grad School

3.1 Why to Do It or Not

3.2 How to Get In

3.3 How to Do it Well

4. The ML Researcher Life

4.1 Striving for Greatness as a Researcher

4.2 Research Skills

4.3 Research Taste

4.4 Academic Collaborations

4.5 Writing Papers

4.6 Publishing

4.7 Publicizing

5. Staying Frosty

5.1 ML Newsletters I Like

5.2 Keeping up with ML Research

  1. Get exposure to the latest papers
    • Follow a bunch of researchers you like and some of the researchers they retweet on Twitter.
    • Join AI safety Slack workspaces for organic paper-sharing. If you can't access these, you can ask Aaron Scher to join his Slack Connect paper channel.
    • Subscribe to the newsletters above.
  2. Filter down to only the important-to-you papers
    • There’s a lot of junk out there [LW(p) · GW(p)]. Most papers (>99%) won't stand the test of time and won't matter in a few months
    • Focus on papers with good engagement or intriguing titles/diagrams. Don’t waste time on papers that don’t put in the effort to communicate their messages well
    • Filter aggressively based on your specific research interests
  3. Get good at efficiently reading ML papers
    • Don't read ML papers like books, academic papers from other disciplines, or otherwise front-to-back/word-for-word
    • Read in several passes of increasing depth: Title, Abstract, First figure, All figures, Intro/Conclusion, Selected sections
    • Stop between passes to evaluate understanding and implications
      • Do I understand the claims this paper is making?
      • Do I think this paper establishes sufficient evidence for these claims?
      • What are the implications of these claims?
      • Is it valuable to keep reading?
    • Aim to extract useful insights in 10-15 minutes
    • For most papers, I stop within the first 3-4 passes
      • "Oh, that might be a cool paper on Twitter" -> open link -> look at title -> skim abstract -> look at 1-3 figures -> "Ahh, that's probably what that's about" -> decide whether to remember it, forget about it, or, rarely, read more
    • You can usually ignore the "Related Work" section. It's often just the authors trying to cite everyone possibly relevant to the subfield who might be an anonymous peer reviewer for conference admissions, or better yet, it’s a takedown of related papers to signal why the new paper is novel.
      • Sometimes, it is useful to contextualize how a non-groundbreaking paper fits into the existing literature, which can help you decide whether to read more.
    • Nowadays, lead authors often post accessible summaries of the most important figures and insights from their papers in concise Twitter threads. Often, you can just read those and move on
    • Some resources I like for teaching how to read ML papers
  4. Practice reading papers
    • Skim at least 1 new paper per day
    • A lot of the burden of understanding modern ML lies in knowing the vast context in which papers are situated
      • Over time, you'll not only get faster at skimming, you'll also build more context that will make you have to look fewer things up
      • E.g. "this paper studies [adversarial prompt attacks] on [transformer]-based [sentiment classification] models" is a lot easier to understand if you know what each of those [things] are.
    • It gets easy once you do it each day, but doing it each day is the hard part.
  5. Other tips
    • Discussing papers with others is super important and a great way to amplify your learning without costing mentorship time!
    • Understand arXiv ID information: means it's the 8582nd paper (08582) pre-printed in February (02) 2023 (23)
    • lets people publicly comment on arXiv papers

6. Hiring ML Talent

6.1 Finding ML Researchers

6.2 Finding ML Safety-Focused Candidates

6.3 Incentives


Many thanks to Karson Elmgren and Ella Guest for helpful feedback and to several other ML safety researchers for past discussions that informed this piece!


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Hoa Do (hoa-do) · 2024-07-23T06:52:40.756Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Thanks so much for this write up. Just what I need. Do you have any further advice on:

"You should aim to understand the fundamentals of ML through 1 or 2 classes and then practice doing many manageable research projects with talented collaborators or a good mentor who can give you time to meet."

How do you find collaborators or mentors after going through some courses?

Replies from: gabe-mukobi
comment by Gabe M (gabe-mukobi) · 2024-08-02T11:36:52.471Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Traditionally, most people seem to do this through academic means. I.e. take those 1-2 courses at a university, then find fellow students in the course or grad students at the school interested in the same kinds of research as you and ask them to work together. In this digital age, you can also do this over the internet to not be restricted to your local environment.

Nowadays, ML safety in particular has various alternative paths to finding collaborators and mentors:

  • MATS, SPAR, and other research fellowships
  • Post about the research you're interested in on online fora or contact others who have already posted
  • Find some local AI safety meetup group and hang out with them