Meetup : London Social Meetup (possibly) in the Sun

post by Leonhart · 2014-06-12T09:05:43.060Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 comments


  Discussion article for the meetup : London Social Meetup (possibly) in the Sun
    EDIT: Weather is not so hot so we'll be starting in the Shakespeare's Head, see below.
  Discussion article for the meetup : London Social Meetup (possibly) in the Sun
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Discussion article for the meetup : London Social Meetup (possibly) in the Sun

WHEN: 15 June 2014 02:00:00PM (+0100)

WHERE: Newman's Row, London WC2A 3TL

EDIT: Weather is not so hot so we'll be starting in the Shakespeare's Head, see below.

We are having another Social Meetup on Sunday at 2 PM. The meetup will take place at Lincoln's Inn Fields (near Holborn station) and more specifically around this spot in the northwest quadrant. Alternatively, if the weather is bad, we will be at our usual location, which is just around the corner - The Shakespeare's Head. I'll post an update here and on the mailing list on Sunday as to whether we are going to the Park or the Pub. About London LessWrong: We run this meetup almost every week; these days we tend to get in the region of 5-15 people in attendance. By default, meetups are just unstructured social discussion about whatever strikes our fancy: books we're reading, recent posts on LW/related blogs, logic puzzles, toilet usage statistics.... Sometimes we play The Resistance or other games. We usually finish around 7pm, give or take an hour, but people arrive and leave whenever suits them. If you get lost, feel free to contact me on 07860 466862.

Discussion article for the meetup : London Social Meetup (possibly) in the Sun


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