Weekend Review Bash: Guided review writing, Forecasting and co-working, in EU and US times
post by Bird Concept (jacobjacob) · 2021-01-08T21:04:12.332Z · LW · GW · 1 commentsContents
Guided review writing Review Forecasting Review co-working Location Schedule RSVP None 1 comment
This is the final weekend of the review phase of the LessWrong 2019 Review [LW · GW]. There's been more than 100 reviews written; but more than 60 posts are still unreviewed. Let's go out with a bang before we start voting!
To help you to join the review effort, we have a few virtual sessions lined up this weekend:
Guided review writing
You pick an essay. You get some time to read it. Then I'll walk you through a set of guided prompts and exercises to help you form an opinion about it. Finally you'll get some time to write-up your thoughts and, if you're happy with them, post them on the site.
Review Forecasting
Before the session I have turned 10-20 claims from review posts into forecasting questions or binary polls. In the session we'll discuss and put probabilities on them together.
A rapid-fire way of getting lots of data about review claims (as opposed to the traditional, more in-depth reviews).
Review co-working
Do pomodoros together with other reviewers. Discuss any things that come up in the breaks.
Great if you already know what you want to get done, but would like some company or social accountability while doing it.
(Please note this is not an ordinary co-working session, where you can work on anything you like. It's only for contributing to the LessWrong 2019 Review.)
LessWrong Walled Garden, main cabin.
Join here.

11am PST / 20:00 CET : (1h) Review Forecasting
12pm PST / 21:00 CET : (2h) Guided review writing & Review co-working
6pm-8pm PST: (2h) Review co-working
11am PST / 20:00 CET : (1h) Review Forecasting
12pm PST / 21:00 CET : (2h) Guided review writing & Review co-working
6pm-8pm PST: (2h) Review co-working
Comments sorted by top scores.