Podcast discussing Hanson's Cultural Drift Argument

post by vaishnav92, regan.arntz.gray · 2024-10-20T17:58:41.416Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

This is a link post for https://moralmayhem.substack.com/p/the-hanson-hypothesis-global-unity


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In the latest episode of Moral Mayhem, we discuss Robin Hanson's essays on cultural drift -- examining whether and how global monoculture and reduced existential pressures may lead to biologically maladaptive cultural values. I've seen at least one post on this topic [LW · GW] on LW. 

@Robin_Hanson [LW · GW] will be joining us next week to continue this discussion. Feel free to comment with questions you'd be interested in having Hanson respond to. 


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