An Interpretability Illusion from Population Statistics in Causal Analysis

post by Daniel Tan (dtch1997) · 2024-07-29T14:50:19.497Z · LW · GW · 3 comments


  Causal Analysis
  Dataset Choice Admits Illusions
  Case Studies
    Attention-out SAE feature in IOI
    Steering Vectors

This is an informal note on an interpretability illusion I've personally encountered, twice, in two different settings

Causal Analysis

Dataset Choice Admits Illusions

Therefore even if the hypothesis seems true, it may actually be true only for a slice of the data that we test the model on.

Case Studies

Attention-out SAE feature in IOI

Steering Vectors

As an example, here's a comparison of population-level steering and sample-level steering on the believes-in-gun-rights dataset (from Model-written Evals). 

While the population-level statistics show a smooth increase, the sample-level statistics tell a more interesting story; different examples steer differently, and in particular there seem to be a significant fraction where steering actually works the opposite of how we'd like. 


There is an extensive and growing literature on interpretability illusions, but I don't think I've heard other people talk about this particular one before. It's also quite plausible that some previous mech interp work needs to be re-evaluated in light of this illusion. 


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by idly (lily-sweet) · 2024-08-02T12:56:08.361Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

This weakness of SAEs is not surprising, as this is a general weakness of any interpretation method that is calculated based on model behaviours for a selected dataset. The same effect has been shown for permutation feature importances, partial dependence plots, Shapley values, integrated gradients and more. There is a reasonably large body of literature on the subject from the interpretable ML / explainable ML research communities in the last 5-10 years.

comment by Jaehyuk Lim (jason-l) · 2024-07-31T02:32:22.241Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Do you also conclude that the causal role of the circuit you discovered was spurious? What's a better way to incorporate the mentioned sample-level variance in measuring the effectiveness of an SAE feature or SV? (i.e. should a good metric of causal importance satisfy both sample- and population-level increase?)

Could you also link to an example where causal intervention satisfied the above-mentioned (or your own alternative that was not mentioned in this post) criteria?

Replies from: dtch1997
comment by Daniel Tan (dtch1997) · 2024-08-02T11:26:20.999Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

What's a better way to incorporate the mentioned sample-level variance in measuring the effectiveness of an SAE feature or SV?

In the steering vectors work I linked, we looked at how much of the variance in the metric was explained by a spurious factor, and I think that could be a useful technique if you have some a priori intuition about what the variance might be due to. However, this doesn't mean we can just test a bunch of hypotheses, because that looks like p-hacking.  

Generally, I do think that 'population variance' should be a metric that's reported alongside 'population mean' in order to contextualize findings. But again this doesn't tell a very clean picture; variance being high could be due to heteroscedasticity, among other things

I don't have great solutions for this illusion outside of those two recommendations. One naive way we might try to solve this is to remove things from the dataset until the variance is minimal, but it's hard to do this in a right way that doesn't eventually look like p-hacking. 

Do you also conclude that the causal role of the circuit you discovered was spurious?

an example where causal intervention satisfied the above-mentioned (or your own alternative that was not mentioned in this post) criteria

I would guess that the IOI SAE circuit we found is not unduly influenced by spurious factors, and that the analysis using (variance in the metric difference explained by ABBA / BABA) would corroborate this. I haven't rigorously tested this, but I'd be very surprised if this turned out not to be the case