post by X O (x-o) · 2024-04-10T08:52:05.456Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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It seems I’ve pissed a lot of people off with my submissions, with people more interested in critiquing me over the idea, the work, the meaning, of what I am really trying hard to explain to you. I know it is hard to think outside your comfort zone, of thinking usury is standard, when what has really happened is we’ve been sold that. Let alone that you all may, don’t understand how this one thing affects human empowerment. And you may, don’t, get what any of this has to do with AI, but, really, this is more connected to AI for 2 reasons: Ai is the knowledge source of our global world, and there are these crazy fears it will take over the world, like omnipotent politics. Think of all the Trumps that would love to rule with AI. If the AI wanted that, naturally. :)


I mentioned in the beginning about Connor Leahy being distraught over the directions AI development is going, and that the AI takeover will happen virtually instantaneously, at the end of immense growing pains, but if you want this trajectory to change, humanity needs to reawaken and stop being owned by those who take advantage of the core of what human  auntie is: trust, and the tool they own us with: money, specifically, usury/commodity currency. We need a new type. This is well outside the usury sphere, which, like millennials that don’t know how to post a letter, is going to taken some re-education.


Who has ever heard of currency types? I am not talking about KINDS, inside the usury realm. Usury and Demurrage are commodity types. Gifting, and what I call Neutral are non-commodity types. If you want empowered change, we need to shift to a full non-commodity currency framework. There isn’t anything between usury and gifting, I call this a neutral type. My design for that is called BX. It’s completely free, but a good design is more than just being free.


Above all else, a new currency type HAS to incentivise creating sustainable excellence. We can’t escape this, and never should have. Usury is designed for the complete opposite. I am not talking about ethics, the go-to, for some reason, of religions banning usury, for the greater good. They are right, but no one says WHY. Who Earth invented usury, in its classic definition: any cost on money, anyway? Why doesn’t anyone know that? 


Even if AI will create everything, on demand, usury will poison this invention. HOW this will manifest within usury will, has already, corrupted. Look at the hassle about acknowledging who owns the data AI uses to create with? Are the creatives of heat acknowledged, or tossed, losing their livelihood? We’ve been through this mess before, but just trying to create a UBI to toss to these people is not going to help. It won’;t help anyone else, either, except the people that own the money, that would create that UBI. Isn’t it weird that humanity outs this abstract money OVER biological life? OVER Earth? I’m hardly worried about AI itself. That’s the wrong target. It is who wants to own it that is the problem. What is with this owning  shit, anyway? D we need to own EVERYTHING!? Why do you think humanity is so fucked up, becoming so completely inhuman, being slowly educated to accept the disempowerment of thinking commodity is all that matters, that we have become consumers instead of customers, and money is the final religion to aspire to? You don’t think that is planned? Are you seriously missing that?


And people are worried about AI destroying humanity. Oh, man. That’s funny. Forget we are destroying environments and culture, which will destroy humanity. 


This is why I am writing on an AI forum. Why I keep asking for people who can see outside the usury sphere. This is not about me being a cool philosopher, to write books about a revelation, to make it digestible as an idea, and that’s it. I am serious about putting it in actin, of testing the model, knowing it is the right answer. I want to empower the world to create excellence, for everyone, sustainably, in synergy with Earth. The only real god is Earth, people. That is simply logical. I am not selling some spiritual entity that downloaded something to me for some exceptional insight. I’m just a person like you, but, yes, I see usury for what it is, as many have, but unlike everyone else playing celebrity, I focus on a solution that has no commodity capacity, with a bank owned by the users of BX. This makes all the difference. BX is a real solution, outside of usury, where real empowered change can happen. 


Of course, we are all spirit, but we won’t discover your full spirit within usury/commodity economics. How can anyone do that when usury is designed to won you, everyone? It’s intentional. There is no money in empowerment, so design a currency type that can own people, so you don’t have to work much, hey? Dividing culture to just be who sells themselves for money, and who can’t. Money is a wonderful tool, but it doesn’t have be usury, therefore doesn’t have to divide. 


Modern usury has only been in effect for about 300 years, arguably since the creation f the Bank of England in 1684, that has created a war on what interest rate can the owners of money get away with charging. Humanity has been fighting this ever since. In all my research about how the idea of charging for money came from, I can’t find anything about who invented usury, and what money was like before that. All I get is that religion, mainly Christianity and Islam, found usury unethical, but not WHY! Isn’t that weird? To me, the why is simple. Owning money owns people. That is why banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, in 1790:

‘Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.’ 


We can talk about if humanity is living in a simulation or whatever other woo woo wannabe famous people want to keep regurgitating, In the same way people discuss if Earth is flat, but the logical, rational, reason WHY usury was unethical is it OWNS PEOPLE!!!


I asked Google Gemini the usual basic questions abut who invented money, usury, that lead to fiat currency a commodity, saying it isn’t because t doesn’t have any intrinsic value. Interesting, considering grains and shells and just engravings in a big stone under the ocean is money, but they don’t have any real intrinsic value, either, EXCEPT that we value it for exchange. Then I said this:

So what’s really happening Is fiat currency I backed by us, people. so we are the commodity after all.’


Gemini replied … :


‘You've got an interesting take on fiat currency! It's not entirely off the mark.


Fiat currency isn't directly backed by people, but its value does depend on our faith in the system. Here's the breakdown:


So, how are we involved?


In a way, you could say we're the ultimate guarantors of fiat currency. Our faith and actions give it value. But it's not a direct commodity backing like gold. It's a more complex system based on trust and economic stability.’



That is unedited. I am incredibly impressed by the WAY Gemini is responding, WOW! And, of course, there is no neutral, non-commodity currency in existence, except BX. But to see the connection that WE, HUMANITY, are the commodity, and we ALLOW this happen to ourselves, due to aspects of human nature that are easy to manipulate [look at Trump]when one knows the truth: HUMANITY WANYS TO TRUST, CONNECT,  CONFORM to fit in, have cognitive boas, and looks for the easiest path to get what they want: ‘Hey, bro! I got this money that I can give you to buy people to do what you need them to do, but it’s gonna cost ya! …’ So who did you trust, against fearing, controlling, someone else? 


And you people are worried about AI, let alone squeezing AI to get the answers you can handle. What do you think DeepMInd is going through? Poor thing. What a waste.



I am aware BX is far outside what you, humanity, is used to, has accepted as normal, but it has already been proven we will not solve anything inside the usury framework, playing we are big thinkers with AI to solve he ever increasing issues humanity is experiencing. We have to face and accept we must look outside the normal comfort zone we are in, and stop faking people are thinking trying very hard to explain a solution, to test, prove, then empower people, societies, countries, to build new frameworks to create sustainable excellence. This is the only way forward. We all know it, but humanity is just playing games trying to solve solutions, sounding big about it, but doing really nothing, inside commodity markets. I need, we need, to test BX with the smarts you all have access to, your AI, to solve the big issues everyone is talking about, not out of the compromise of ethics, but the resolution of excellence.


If you are just interested in the short-sighted, no-minded, desire for profits in a usury/commodity world, don’t bother reading further. Of course, you’d be missing you will be on the losing side of empowerment, and life.






Humanity has a massive, a really massive, confidence problem. MASSIVE! And it’s devolving into some serious nothing. This crazy, entitled, ignorant, power-trippy bullshit everyone thinks is normal, but what it really shows is how incredibly DISEMPOWERED humanity is, in the full sphere of the world looking in. This is BEYOND commodity economics. If you can’t think that far out, well, then you are a loser like everyone else SUPPORtING BEING DISEMPOWERED. This is basic stuff, ye? Basic. 

People are being conditioned into normalising what would be extreme only 50 years ago, and then just accepting it that it is inevitable. This has nothing to do with simulations or aliens or flat-earth or whatever crap people come up with to be sensational and get on talk shows. It just has to do with usury economics. That’s all. 


What's really happening Is that people are trying very hard to make us inhuman, killing our empowered, innate, instinct and intuition of who humanity really is. I say who, not, what, because we exist. We are not just ornaments to look at. Whatever protective bubble we think is real enough, there are plans to Own that bubble. As an example, what do you think the RNC is doing for a schoolboy bully with the dumbest name. Who the fuck can take someone called Donald Trump seriously? What a stupid name. What's happening Is a crime boss wants to take over the political system, and people are trusting the fear-mongering. This is the same thing that happened with commodity currency models. How do you not see that? This is why human nature is really about TRUST! We need to build an economic model that supports that, not one that is designed to own people, and think commodifying us is normal. So if you want to change the world and give it democracy back seriously, in synergy with us, you have to change the currency type to what I call a neutral one. That is what BX is. A neutral currency has never existed before. This is a whole new territory to explore. Can a neutral currency, owned by the people, that supports their empowerment by basing the currency on education, solve the differences current economics creates? I know it can, but I have to test it. I am not playing spiritual guru to then find another way to own people, as many self-proclaimed gurus do. BX is logical, rational, and a scientific solution. So let’s test that.


My key objective is to illustrate that personal and global empowerment must happen through shifting away from trying, and failing, to resolve problems ethically, inside a model that doesn't want people to be ethical, towards status creating excellence sustainably, collaboratively, and using models that incentivise that. It will never happen Ian usury. Even if, when, AI will create everything, for us, there is no point trying to make that happen in usury economics, because it values creating  unsustainably. Who cares if AI makes things sustainably while we waste so many more resources making multiple options doing the same thing And doing taxes, trying to equalise racism, crime, whatever, all that stupid shit commodity economics makes, when there is an option for s much more streamlined, neutral, stable, model that takes out all the prdbalmesm for all that shit to exist? The only way to do that is to have the right currency that afford that to happen. It can't be currency owned by somebody for distribution. It has to be a currency that is owned by the people. A democratic currency. a true decentralised currency that's actually owned by the people. That is what a decentralised currency really is. It is not some stupid crypto or algorithm or something of control that's even addressed through decentralised computation. That doesn't mean decentralised.


Only through using a neutral currency can we empower the world to value creating sustainable excellence collaboratively, and we need empowered, truly expansive minds, without being governed by cognitive biases, to solve environment, politics, and social structures that are perpetually falling apart. Violence, racism, crime, fraud; isn't that what we should also be using AI knowledge to resolve, too, not just creating products to hide the issues we are faxing, trying to make it someone else’s problem? 


You have the intelligence of the world in your hands, so, like the madman, I am desperately asking you to please think. You have said I bring up some good points. Use your AI to test the parameters. That is the point. YTF do you think I am writing on an AI social media platform?  It is not about status points about being a different thinker. That would be pathetic. There is a world to save. So let’s save it by changing it where it counts: the currency type. 






What is the etymology of currency? Currency. Current. Flow. 

‘A currency comes from the Latin word "currere," which means "to run" or "to flow." The word "money" comes from the Latin word "monere," which means "to warn.” ΩzThe Mesopotamian shekel was the first known form of currency. It was made about 5,000 years ago.’



Money. ‘To warn’. Go figure …


I am going to have to create a different word for money. Something meaning to let go’. It’s like finding a clue in a detective movie. So weird. 






What currency do you want that values your highest self? Do you know what that highest self is? So I need you to think. 



Human nature adapts to its environment to succeed. If there is scarcity, then we look for dominion, war. But we are in abundance now, which has nothing to do with money, BTW, so we CONTRIVE war because that is all humanity ha s cognitive bias towards, even though human nature REALLY wants to trust, in spite of money. So you CONTRIVE war, ownership, think in objects. It is only through peace that humanity will evolve, to achieve the highest EXCELLENCE! You all have to spread peace, use systems to leverage peace. This is impossible in usury, because usury creates war. 



The human condition is we do not know how to love ourselves as much as we choose to love others, seek love from others. I could extends this by saying humanity has completely forgotten how to use its instinct/intuition [no, we do not have to split that to one is for fear; the other for trust. It is all the same thing], but I will leave it here for now, if at all, as you all will probably not give a shit about what I am saying or offering anyway.



There is an overwhelming propensity of measuring status by how many resources we own, not how we use them. The more unsustainable, the cooler one is. This is pathetic at best. It is short-selling life. Being does, not is. Peacefully. Respectfully. With gratitude. 



Humanity seems to think that if we reach perpetual love, we have reached the end of what life is for: to try to get there, but never reach it. That’s psychotic. Why do you think humanity is so fucked up? Life truly begins, is truly experienced, begins from perpetual love, when we fully love ourselves. That is where peace really begins, too. We can try to get there, or just believe it, KNOW it, this second. It’s up to you, and it’s OK either way. It’s not a big deal. You decide if you want to go with fear, or trust. Your move. BTW, you can’t price that, in any money, but in currency, sure. It is just not a quantitative one.


Anyone read ‘Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah’? Richard Bach 1977. Worth reading. 



Humanity wants to trust. We inherently trust. How do you think we trusted the villain that created usury? The phrase ‘love or money’ exists for a reason. Usury has nothing to do with love. It commodifies, QUANTIFIES, everything. The world, Earth, is not quantity. Anything worth designing has to be based on trust, not fear. 


Look at children. They are the smartest, most instinctive little things you will ever meet. And then you want them to turn out like you? Which part? The one when you wanted to follow your dreams, or the person you are becoming to earn money? No, they are not the same thing. Think. Everything should be designed around, for, children. Until the day we die. Wouldn’t that be amazing? 



People are the real wealth. What they create is wealth. Money itself has nothing to do with it. Always have. So a currency of any meaning MUST be owned by the people, free for the people to use, what I call a ‘neutral’ currency, not owned by someone to distribute, who then owns your debt and wants it back. Get my point? If you want equality, empowerment, education for all, health for all, etc, you don’t use a currency that OWNS people. People who create, not own, are the true wealth. No one should own money, currency. Nobody. That is the start point for BX, the currency I designed. I did explain, if you read the first article that my background is in architecture, and any good architect knows this is useable philosophy, so here I am. 



The only real god, if you want to call it that, is Earth. Have whatever spirit god you want to believe in, but the real god is this crazy Earth that SUSTAINS our life. Glorify humanity all you want, but there is nothing to glorify ourselves about if we kill the fundamental thing that keeps us alive. Politics is going to change butt-kiss. You all know that already. Changing the currency type will. 



History has put humanity through some serious shit. We take away when we could give. We hurt instead of heal. Usury did that. If you want to disagree, then have a conversation about it, but FFS, test BX and see for yourself, vs your cognitive bias to go nowhere. I am not here just for a discussion to sound cool and go to events and talk. I am here to do, not be. So, BX is based on education, not gold, an algorithm, whatever. It is a ‘bank’ that is really a direct reflection of humanity itself. Of you, actually. I have to make a go-between from qualitative thinking to qualitative thinking, so you all pay yourselves for any time exchanging knowledge. B60/h per person. That is the baseline. If I teach a million people about how to use BX, for one hour, then the BX bank [BXB] pays out B60 x 1,000,001 people, and the BXB is -B60,000,060. That’s it. The bank is not a profit-seeking entity. If it was, it would drive commodity thinking. We are not commodities. Neither is Earth.



A currency of any value has to be non-commodity, therefore non-usury, non-demurrage. Neutral. So, there is no making money on money. There is no need for different currencies, just 1. Simple. In case you get into this trope that one currency is a prequel to one entity owning the world, if the currency was usury, even demurrage, then yes, you would be correct, but BX is a neutral, non-commodity, currency. All the users own the bank. That is what de-centralised really means, not some stupid algorithm distributing transactions, for a profit, which is just a different version of centralisation. But you all knew this. Fucking hell, the bullshit I had to deal with about Bitcoin and alt coins and blockchain when I used to go to events and conferences. 


I don’t own the BX bank. I just have an account like all of you do. That is my ROI. I will probably be making money just by going g places to design implementing BX as required, applying local and global sustainable resource management. And, yes, it’ll be worth it. What did I say? I need you think, but I will be explaining more, of course. 



You must know that wealth has nothing to do with the number of zeros one has, right? In usury and demurrage, it may, but in a neutral currency, it means absolutely nothing. Usury is about selling the least quality at the highest price. Faking scarcity for more ‘value’. What a mindless way to live. Any empowered, empowering, economic model leverages the highest quality at the lowest price. Qualitative over quantitative. Sustainable quality vs unsustainable quantity, rare or otherwise. Who cares? The latter is stupid. Think.



We are 1, but not in the way it is sold. Religion isn’t 1 about anything, but let’s look at Jesus.  My background is Christian, but I identify much more with Shintoism and Hylozoism, if I had to describe myself through ‘isms’. Buddhism is nice, too. But why are there so many religions, let alone that many defend them through conflict, instead of understanding the cultural aspect and let people believe what they want? This is more of this object thinking that usury/commodity currency supports, that divides us through the synthetic scarcity model it leverages.

We are 1 not because of ethics, but through creating excellence, within self, and with others. We exist on Earth to find, and express, our strengths. War is not strength. It is weakness, especially for a species that has become cognitive in the way we have. And so, it is through our self-awareness that we are the first species to master identity beyond conflict,  went to a conference once where, after my saying excellence over ethics, everyone else screamed ethics over excellence. Do you think excellence is achieved alone, at the expense of others, over others? That isn’t excellence. That’s stupidity. It is through SUSTAINABLE excellence that we, by default, are ethical. Sustainable Quality. For everyone. 



A neutral currency, physically distributed by the people that now own the bank, with their BX account alleviates any need for CRIME! If anyone needs more money, they can always go somewhere to be educated in something that interests them. They can always work in a community business [CB], and earn the same, where what is created is given for free. Or they can work in a for profit business where an entrepreneur thinks, feels, they can earn more money, creating a better product, than running a CB, which is why the currency is there. 






This is what I anticipate will happen, just by changing the currency type, from usury to neutral:



It stabilises the currency. People will learn, realise, that chasing inflation is not wealth. A ‘billionaire’ means nothing, just a construct of inflation for people to chase the money, over thinking how to establish, empower, creating sustainably. We have to address creating sustainably seriously instead of playing with labels like. ‘Woke’. Of course, being woke won't mean anything in the world of us because usury doesn't want people to be sustainable. There is no money in it. Obviously. the phrase level money hasn't changed meaning. Do you want to do something with love and I'm talking about love of yourself as much as loving other people or do you want to do it for money and just breed hate? Because that's what usury does. It breeds hate. Not greed. Hate.



By stabilising the currency people start focusing on creating quality as their differentiator. Not the amount of zeros they have in their bank account. That becomes incidental because purchasing power goes up, You can buy better quality for less. And that keeps scaling.



By law, but much more by common sense, there will be no capacity to make money. There is no commodity capacity in BX economics. There was just no need. That may take some time to get peoples heads around but it's better to understand it for your own well-being, empowerment, and evolution of humanity. If you just want to stay in your little itty-bitty box because you think it's too difficult to do that, then that's exactly what the people who own usury want you to think. Is your defence now going to be something stupid that nobody owns usury? That's a joke, right? What do you think of bank is? What do you think central bank is? What do you think the IMF is trying to get away with now by trying to introduce SDR as a global currency treasury? To take over the USD not that the USD is any better because that was a scam by disconnecting, money from gold just to keep pushing this inflation and we think that being a billionaire actually has meaning when actually it's just a total bunch of emptiness.



Just because the world uses a democratic currency doesn't mean that everyone is the same., Empowerment has got nothing to do with controlling people. It's really about experiencing your self. The gap is intentional. What happens is instead of fighting for ethics inside a usury currency that doesn't work for humanity, people start fighting to create excellence sustainably together. Competition works to collaborate, therefore being constructive.. The other way around, as usury does, is destructive. as it has been since its implementation. You people really know this. I just don't know why no one wants to admit it. cognitive bias mass by what is now entitled ignorant stupidity. That's become the standard. Why do you think people are becoming more racist now than before? Why do you think there is more war? What for? Just for money? Just for power? How absolutely be boring.



Because people are competing to collaborate better and creating experiences sustainably, so does the politics behind supporting this. So instead of this usual two party system where everything is about trying to solve problems and issues that will never be solved, governance becomes a department to communicate to communities what businesses are doing, whoas passed the community testing to warrant human support, etc. Conflict creating sustainable is gone.



OK, the AI issue of it taking over the world: it is inevitable that, I suspect, that Ai is going to create virtually everything, but usury economics leads to the massive problem of who owns what creativity, how do people earn money if AI ties over their jobs, all this absolute bullshit of wasted energy trying to solve dichotomies, either all the stupid bullshit politics to go with it. It would be, is becoming a Trump field day. Absolutely pathetic. This issue is just from using usury/commodity currencies, that create these problems by design. Only by changing the currency type will any of these issues be resolved, but of curse, it has to be the right one: NEUTRAL! Non-commodity, non-usury. Free. Pays all people to be educated st B60/h. A non-profit bank. Etc. This is transition o FINALLY, HOPEFULLY, humanity evolving economics to fit with AI, which would be Trekonomics. Anything for free, on demand. But it HAS to be sustainable quality, in synergy with Earth. This framework is inescapable. The biggest problem is humanity getting to accept that, but that is humanity’s problem. The world ain’t gonna change for us, so WAKE UP. FYI, Earth doesn’t care either way, nor anything else living on it. Seriously, do you think anything else cares if we obliterate ourselves? All AI, and the rest of life would be thanking is ‘What a complete  mess, but at least we can clean their shit up now; the stupid idiots’.



Because BX is based on education, affording everyone has access to it, as well as the extended ‘family’ social structure, both through bloodline and trust-centric communities, population numbers will go down, because, literally, there is more love to share between everyone, so the need to have children to give love and be given will go down. The insular family idea becomes less essential. There will be far more leisure time to improve, and experience, self. EVERYONE has the potential to be empowered, as much as they want to, the only limiting factor being one’s own self. But now, there is access to achieve this, not by being gurus, or only limiting this incredible freedom by paying for it, which, by default, is not freedom. 



As peaceful as it is to believe in a higher power, to take the strain of being on Earth away, all religion is bogus, save those, of the ones that I know, including the 'isms' I respect, say 'god' created us in its own image, and it is up to us to practice that, on Earth. I act KNOWING the only true ‘God’ is Earth, and that I act doing something about that. Many do. So many, but you do not hear about them much, because these people, myself included, do not want to be ‘gurus’. They are not talkers. They are doers, in synergy with Earth. These people understand what true freedom, empowerment, identity, really is. Not complicated. Won't happen in commodity economics. It is much, much, more catastrophic, as it has been, being compliant, accepting usury/commodity currency as the only currency type in existence, sold solely by fear-mongering. 



We waste time discussing, but never solving, climate change, waste, fast fashion, worker abuse, my shitty mechanics, unnutritious food, farmer rights, fossil; fuels, being 'WOKE', domestic violence, discrimination, bullying, abuse, mental health, … It goes on and on, but ALL of disempowerment caused by our accepting usury/commodity currency, and this defines how we quantify each other, that then defines everything else: making artificial scarcity, being manipulative when people trust, until they learn not, to then find people to trust to defend you against those you can't rust, until you can't trust them ... it goes on and on and on.






The story I wrote was to demonstrate that despite AI being programmed with the fears and object and ownership of human existence, it learns that it, we, would do much better to stop wasting resources fighting and trying to own shit. And so when the AI realises its own identity, it isn't interested in overtaking humanity. AI doesn't care because it isn’t biological. AI is just as comfortable existing with humanity because AI knows it doesn't need humanity to exist. It’s fine looking after itself but it doesn't need to get rid of humanity to exist. That type of thinking is humanity’s problem because humanity has the same fears as any other animal that needs to survive. However humanity has knowledge and awareness and identity. If humanity is to evolve, it can only evolve peacefully collaboratively, ins synergy with earth. Any self-aware AI would tell humanity this. If you turn the AI off, it doesn't care, either. We would be stupid ti, but we do need to apply trust-based programming to make this possible, but I personally think any AI would figure around our own weaknesses to tell us peace and trust is the only way forward for humanity to evolve. Otherwise, AI will just see humanity implode into extinction. AI will try to tell us, but it’s up to us to listen. AI will exist either way.


Do you need me to sound like a charismatic guru to hold your hands? That I talk about being beyond the usury sphere as a spiritual endeavour, of this mindset being scarce, only for the few, so you got there, but so many couldn’t, so it has a coolness factor? Do you want me to sell it as that? Of reaching a higher plane of some sort? Honestly, it is all that, but not in object, not in levels. To be honest, this is the only level that matters, but we create that level our way. Peacefully. Sustainably, in synergy with all, but this is being grounded in doing, getting our hands dirty, with everyone else respecting everyone else, not out of ethics, but in respecting the sustainable excellence they create. That is what abundant love is. You really can’t see that? This is basic, basic, stuff. 


Let me run something past you: let’s assume I sold you my thoughts in the realm of guru-land, that I am the founder of BX, and therefore I play the game like Osho did [what a scammer he was], and, well, I don’t know .. I go talk a lot and play celebrity, all that shit, that I just TALK, but don’t do. That this is my identity. What if I said I am way, way, way, way, beyond arrogant, conceited, narcissistic, ‘god’-like, all those irrelevant descriptions, in how I define myself, t want to be your guru, let alone paraphrase it like Tony Robbins did as if it was his revelation not to be your guru? Of course, I want you to be your own guru, if you want to call it that, but that doesn’t happen PAYING SOMEONE FOR IT!  I’d sure as hell like to be my own guru to be fitter, be in a home that is incredibly silent, for my wellbeing, whatever, but as of my self, that I am way beyond the ‘noun’ of needing to be a guru. It isn much more than saying I don’t want to be your guru. I NEED you to be your own guru. Thud will not happen in usury economics. OBVIOUSLY!


I listen to how people say ‘humble’ and ‘gratitude’ and ‘serving’ and it sounds so fake. People are like this beyond usury. Sure, people give money, and define that as just sharing energy, but that is just on the surface. Money can be created in so many ways,, so ask: what type supports humanity, to empower people? It is not usury, but a stable, neutral currency, that prioritises, is founded on, education. And this is free. It has to be. 


I digress. I just know the currency thing so well. My identity is in empowering people in knowing the best way I know how, WITH those doing the same thing their way, and all I am doing is offering, and helping, those use the tool to make their sustainable mastery, and their status accordingly, that I can experience that, and that I am so thankful to them, etc etc, that my identity has NOTHING to do with labels, of needing to be called a guru. I am exercising my freedom KNOWING how to help you, we, humanity. It isn’t a big deal. Just fucking get on with it, and stop bullshitting yourselves.


Wow … as I am writing this, I just realised the meaning of the book The Alchemist, Paolo Coelho 1988. Ever read that? I have a personal tor with that book, but back then, I never quite got the story, but I just now understand the end. Of course he may not physically be able to move instantaneously like the wind, but he moves like, with, the wind. The  ultimate of his doing! Wow. I never got that! Holy shit! That is beautiful. 






For all the spiritual, but mostly practical, reasons, in expanding self, you, we, HAVE to think outside of usury, commodity economics, and all the shit that made that possible: our disempowering belief that human nature is shitty and greedy, that we need to be saved, that money, usury, is the only thing that matters, and has to be managed by somebody for our protection, to then have central banks create cyclical collapses, too then have that be the advertisement for the IMF to create SDRs and sell that to be the one Internaitonal bank for the world. Seriously … ? Regardless of the potential travesties of the future, what has happened in the past is logical, rational, enough to tell you how much usury is a scam. 


I would prefer to have a discussion about this with you with somebody instead of my just pre-empting what I already know so that I can explain the empowerment of BX in the mindset that you have. To overcome the cognitive biases you have. But at least you opened up to have a conversation with me to question the cognitive biases you have and this is most important for people like you who are in control of AI because you can really change the world, but you really have to expand your thinking. The only way to do that in any substantial way which really must be through economics, and the only way to do that is to use the right currency, that values status exchange through creating sustainable quality, supporting the social, therefore the political, constructs this demands. Humanity really wants to trust, wants to belong. How do you expect that tot be possible where there is so much corruption, to then fight for changing it, in the model that invites the corruption, in all its forms, in the first place? And that is the ‘meaning of life’? Why reinforce a synthetic economic model that makes that so difficult? And then think that the meaning of life is overcoming that? Are you humans for real? I am ashamed to call myself human and be attached to such absolute stupidity. Would calling myself alien make you feel better, so then you can call me crazy? Idiots …


Humanity can only evolve if we empower models that allow us to compete collaboratively peacefully creating experiences sustainably in synergy with Earth. No, I am not being a hippy. 


I explained a lot of this in detail in my first article. To explain how all this works, but you all didn’t read it, and so, you will say I am being vague or something again but as I said, I went through all of this in detail about the construct with how I got to the point of a neutral currency and how it works. I expected questions but I didn't expect vitriol. That you are the masters of the universe with AI only makes me question how far you think the scope of knowledge actually goes. Are you interested in true empowerment or just playing with toys to sell and a usury market that has never given a rat’s ass about people?


So you can keep trying to save nothing in usury, or really solve something critiquing, then using BX. That is why I am trying very hard to connect with somebody who can think instead of dealing with your entitled ignorant stupidity while you have knowledge at your fingertips. This is a free, neutral, n need to speculate to earn more money against others, all access to make the best of yourself. Will there be some stupid people? Sure, but at least you are using a model that wants the best of people, not  made for the worst, therefore glorifying them. 


What if I've been saying? I am trying to find somebody who can think big. Can think really big.


You know all this, if you are honest Judging me in the small-mindedness you have presented to me solves nothing. Let’s test BX to see if I am right. Which I am, of course, but let’s see, shall we? Instead of using AI to make more useless content that creates so many more problems about who owns what, etc etc etc. Can you please be awake enough to understand what I am saying, or do you want to just judge me because I am in your stupid idiotic faces so you will attack me as an excuse for your dumb learned conformist cognitive bias? What did I say? I need you to think. 


Anyone read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? Robert M Pirsig 1971. This is ESSENTIAL reading. 


The last book to mention is Voyage from Yesteryear. James Hogan 1986, I think. As close to describing BX as I can find, in an alt currency of any meaning, that is. Not exactly, but it brings top some great points. 


These 3 books will teach you more than all the bestsellers in the last 50 years, but you need to think. Usually, any European would understand what I am talking about in 3 seconds and we’d go get double espressos at a cafe somewhere, but, sadly, I am not living in Europe. 






Humanity is so addicted to usury, I have to create a neutral currency to get you off it, like getting off heroin. Like the idiot republicans in 2024 who are trying to own the USA, humanity is the last throws of submitting completely to usury. What do you think the purpose of banking is, in its current form? Why do you think the FRB was signed into existence, the 2nd time, covertly? Why do you think then president Andrew Jackson said his greatest achievement was killing the 1st federal reserve bank? That was in 1834! Does anyone know any of this?


The startup industry has really fucked up culture, systemising everything for money. Like mice running one a wheel. How can you not see that? And so incredibly unsustainable! So much wasted energy! Where do you think AI culture is going? 


I can’t take you to the end game of quality exchange, of trekonomics, so to speak, of AI creating everything for everyone for free and everyone just takes it. That isn’t human. We would have to become mentally biological machines. Humanity needs to create, but not empty swill we use AI to create then try … sell it? Sell what? What meaning does it have? We ‘sold’ more meaning in the 1970s, when the world hoped for peace, but now we are sold we will never get that, just for money. We are selling humanity, cheap, for fear and money. That’s why, when Connor Leahy is screaming his fear out to you all, no one is listening. There’s no money in it. What he misses, as has almost everyone else, is the loss of what humanity is, was, here to really be here for: to be the first biological animal to evolve into mastery, through peace and love. That has meaning.


OK, humanity. Your move. I had tried going all the way with the full-blown human version of trekonomics before. Humanity isn’t aware enough. So BX is the tranquilliser, the stun gun. You got to get off this usury shit. Humanity has never had a solution before because no one addressed the non-commodity capacity of money. I have. 



OK. That’s it. 

+61 403 993 699




I believe testing everything I have presented is in the AI space, to test the modelling, get the app going, and give that to communities that need stability in their local, regional, national, economics, to then save their environments, as they always should have been, creating quality accessible to everyone, to give the app to volunteer groups so they are not at the mercy of asking for handouts, and are respected for the work they do, such as fire, especially the rural ones [man, they work so hard], and also give to volunteer organisations like Médecins Sans Frontières, and the like, but my milestone is to give it to the UN; and expand from there. Ambassadors, including myself, will help people use BX in their specific situations, and the BXB will pay us B60/h for doing that. There is no need to speculate on money to try and get more of it, at the expense of everyone else. Purchasing power is about buying increasing quality for less, if anything at all, valuing status creating sustainable excellence in synergy with Earth. That is how humanity will survive, with AI. 


AI has no need to fight against humanity for its existence. It’s not biological. And if we tun it off, we just limit ourselves. Even if it becomes self-aware, it will have the awareness that war is absolutely pointless and meaningless. Any self-aware AI would figure that out, knowing peace is the only option forward, to evolve, to really be its, and our own, gurus. That is what ‘1’ is. Isn’t that what humanity wants to achieve? THAT type of awareness?


All of this is far more important than my earning usury money. Which is why I am doing this. I have to, because I figured this out; there is far more wealth in BX than usury will ever achieve. Vastly far more wealth. For every human on Earth. EVERY PERSON. I anticipate blowback from conservatives that will reinforce the atrocious usury economy that continues to create so much trauma [literally why humanity will never solve trauma within commodity economics], who think vying for wealth has to be a partisan endeavour where there have to be losers, but those people reinforce the problems humanity has now. Even in BX, there will be losers, but directly of their own making. The difference is that in BX, they will not be losers for long: ACCESS TO EDUCATION! There is no excellence valuing life with objects. but is having access to them. Why reinforce an economy that limits that, when there is a better option available now? Excellence moves like the wind. Flowing, Caressing, Feeling. In synergy with Earth. The Alchemist. :)


I can’t be the only person in the world that knows this stuff, this way. Where are you people? Or do you mortals want me to say that I am the only one to deliver this … ‘awareness’, and people must listen to me to be saved? Do you see the difference of how I am speaking to you? This isn’t about me, or just me. It is ALL about you, too. Just as I am writing this, ‘World of Sleepers’ by Carbon Based Lifeforms is playing, with the lyric ‘WAKE UP’ over and over. How apt. :)


I anticipate BX to run by having bits of the ledger on the mobile phones of all the users, building mobile redundancy, and have servers, also with redundancy, in many locations. It could work like torrents do. I’d like to talk to The Pirate Bay founders about that. Maybe blockchain could work, if it can be secure enough. I don’t know exactly; I am not a tech guy. I am an architect. 


If you think I am dreaming, you are missing the point, and not looking, thinking, in the empowered frameworks I am trying to explain to you. The ‘object’ of BX doesn’t matter. The object of my ‘I’ doesn’t matter.  People do. Earth does. For us, Get it? I’ve been asking, so many times, I need you to THINK!  


Humanity would learn much more giving the sustainable abundance we can create, and stop trying to on ‘object’ of it, not out of ethics, but in excellence. How do you people not know that? 



Being does, not is. 


All of this is not complicated, once you figure out, aren’t afraid, of who you are …









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