Principles of action: fundamentals of how action works

post by DDthinker · 2024-03-31T02:19:42.252Z · LW · GW · 1 comments


    Components of frameworks
    Heeding knowledge
  My ideas of principles of action
  Review of my ideas
1 comment


For all action that an actor in the cosmos does, there can be determined general principles of action which are able to guide action which I call 'principles of action'. My principles of action are given and organised in what I call 'frameworks' which is a technique I developed during my researching efforts which is able to represent many pieces of knowledge in a unified whole.

Components of frameworks

Frameworks are structured in three ways of 'subject', 'description', and 'placement'. The components of frameworks see subjects which are given descriptions which are then placed in a placement relative to other pieces of knowledge by indents (spaces) and lines. Each line has a single section which can have subsections in immediately following indented lines. An example framework would be the following:

The following components of frameworks have the following descriptions (as given by the following framework as another example):

Heeding knowledge

Knowledge in my frameworks is typically very concise and succinct in which there is a great density of knowledge within my frameworks so slow, methodical, and thoughtful reading is necessary to make sure knowledge is understood, heeded, and remembered. Sections have subjects which are typically well named and so this aids remembering the descriptions of a section. How sections relate to each other is important in frameworks so paying attention to idents and if necessary looking or glancing back at previously read section subjects can allow for the good structuring of knowledge within one's mind; with sections which contain many nested subsections that can extend quite far in lines, it is easy to lose track of where knowledge is placed so looking back is necessary.

Frameworks can be thought as similar to how sections of a document organises knowledge however frameworks are different as they are applied down to the scale of individual ideas. Frameworks are also typically highly deliberate in their organisation in which a hefty amount of discussion of ideas is done before frameworks are created or altered

My ideas of principles of action

The following framework presents my ideas of principles of action:

Review of my ideas

My ideas of principles of action is foundational for all action for all individuals I feel and thus it is very important in my opinion. Although many of its ideas are simple and perhaps able to be dismissed as obvious and trivial, it is still important to consider the organisation of knowledge on the topic of principles of action instead of leaving it unorganised and implicitly known. With my technique of frameworks being somewhat unique, I feel my presentation of principles of action is novel and does a good job at clearly stating the topic's ideas. My ideas of principles of action builds upon and encompasses ethics in which it make sense to define a new field of philosophy of action ('action philosophy') as there are foundational and philosophical ideas of action which isn't encompassed by applied sciences (which is not foundational and philosophical).

I've made a magnum opus of all my ideas in what I call WAK11 which details a new system of philosophy and science which this post's principles of action framework being only a small part of it so if you're interested in foundational ideas of philosophy and science I think you'd find it interesting. WAK11 can be found here.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Hudjefa (Agent Smith) · 2024-04-08T15:23:02.614Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

As far as I'm concerned, you're one of few who show an interest in what could be loosely termed as a epistemological map. I've met a few netizens with the same intention although most of them were interested in the organogram of a single, specific discipline like mathematics.  

Your synopsis of how your system is constructed bears the hallmark of well-intentioned, dedicated effort. You get a gold star for that, everyone should agree.

I can sense the dynamism, the vital energy, in the centerpiece of your project, ACTION. It's reminiscent of Schopenhauer's WILL, but this time, it's will to a PURPOSE, which I'm heartened to read includes morality/ethics at a scale that is as of now purely imaginary. Bold, hopeful, and restorative!

Good Luck and I pray that I've not misread you.