Looking for AI / Application Engineer @ OpenPrinciples -- Help people align actions with principles

post by ti_guo (guoty3310@gmail.com) · 2022-05-19T03:23:37.139Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

I’m Ti Guo, I am into rationality and is co-founder of EA UWaterloo, and EA IBM. We are looking for remote & part-time EA-aligned Co-founding Team member, or non-paid intern AI / Application Engineer (Python), to help build our AI Life Coach product Ultrabrain under our EA-aligned startup OpenPrinciples.

What do we do:

Why join us:

Your job task as an AI Engineer could include and not be limited to the following:

Your job task as an Application Engineer could include and not be limited to the following:

Who are we: We are an EA-aligned Team of 4 members plus multiple volunteers, from all over the world. We are also serial entrepreneurs with experience starting NGOs, and venture-backed, YC-interviewed, and 20-under-20 Thiel Fellow startups.

If you are interested in joining us, please shoot me a message at guoty3310@gmail.com or https://www.linkedin.com/in/ti-guo/. Please send your resume / LinkedIn profile / personal website / few sentences about your experience.


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