Poll on AI opinions.

post by Niclas Kupper (niclas-kupper) · 2025-02-23T22:39:09.027Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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TL;DR: Take polis poll here.

I made did a poll here to gather opinions on AI two years ago using pol.is. You can see my brief write up here [LW · GW], and a slightly updated report here (a couple more people voted after I wrote up my report).

As this last poll was two years ago the landscape and opinions thereof have changed quite a bit since. Hence, a new poll. Looking back at the old poll of two years ago it definitely seems like AGI is coming faster than a lot of people expected.

Polis tries to naturally group poll takers into groups. It found that the statement which most splits people was "I think the probability of AGI before 2040 is above 50%" (58% agreed and 30% disagreed). My guess is that now a much higher proportion would agree. I further expect that the statement which most splits people will be of a different nature. I will expand on my thoughts on the previous poll in my next write-up.

Please vote on all at least ~10-20 statements before submitting new ones. It is also worth going back to see if new statements have been made to vote on. I will hopefully write a report on the outcome in like two weeks or so. This time I will also put more effort into spreading the poll a bit more widely. 


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