Askesis: a model of the cerebellum

post by MadHatter · 2023-11-06T20:19:09.001Z · LW · GW · 2 comments

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We provide a detailed model of the structure and function of the mammalian cerebellum. Our model is isomorphic to that of @Steven Byrnes [LW · GW], but was developed completely independently; this suggests that both models are likely reasonably accurate.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by jacob_cannell · 2023-11-06T22:32:19.047Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

The cerebellum is important, i've spent much time reading & thinking about it, so I"m curious about your model, but where is it? Your link is to a github repo with a one sentence and some scattered pdf documents that don't seem to link together, and some of which don't load.

It would be better to condense all the writing into a single md file with links, or pdf, or whatever.

Of the two pdfs that seem to load - math.pdf is a very generic intro to probability, SGD, etc - nothing about the cerebellum. intro.pdf is a few bullet points that don't tell much ...

Replies from: Ilio
comment by Ilio · 2023-11-10T21:21:07.990Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

No problem with the loading here. The most important files seems positive and pseudocode. In brief, this seems an attempt to guess which algorithm the cerebellum implements, waiting for more input from neuroscientists and/or coders to implement and test the idea. Not user friendly indeed. +1 for clarifications needed.