Weekly LW Meetups: Melbourne, Washington DC, Munich, Vancouver, Houston, Shanghai, Ottawa, Fort Collins CO, Seattle

post by FrankAdamek · 2011-09-16T12:45:16.269Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 1 comments


1 comment

There are upcoming irregularly scheduled Less Wrong meetups in:

Cities with regularly scheduled meetups: New York, Berkeley, Mountain View, Cambridge, MA, Toronto, Seattle, San Francisco, Irvine, Austin, Washington, DC, London, Oxford, and West Los Angeles.

If you'd like to talk with other LW-ers face to face, and there is no meetup in your area, consider starting your own meetup; it's easy (more resources here). Check one out, stretch your rationality skills, and have fun!

If you missed the deadline and wish to have your meetup featured, you can reach me on gmail at frank dot c dot adamek.

Despite the handy sidebar of upcoming meetups, we've decided to continue posting an overview of upcoming meetups on the front page every Friday. These will be an attempt to collect information on all the meetups happening in the next weeks. The best way to get your meetup featured is still to use the Add New Meetup feature, but you'll now also have the benefit of having your meetup mentioned in a weekly overview. These overview posts will be moved to the discussion section when the new post goes up.

Please note that for your meetup to appear in the weekly meetups feature, you need to post your meetup before the Friday before your meetup!

If you check Less Wrong irregularly, consider subscribing to one or more city-specific mailing list in order to be notified when an irregular meetup is happening: LondonChicagoSouthern California (Los Angeles/Orange County area)St. LouisOttawaHelsinkiMelbourne, Vancouver, Madison, WI.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Tomthefolksinger · 2011-09-13T19:01:57.210Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Hmm, I missed the 2pm Sunday meetup here in Houston. It was a topic that both my Sweetie and I find interesting. Yet, I didn't make it. I even used the same excuse I used for not going to church. The actual fact is that I was inches from a nap from a very pleasant Saturday night. In fact, I don't even go out to play music during the day on Sunday unless paid. I do go to events during the week if there will be food and drink. Open mics, museum nights and a few openings attest to my actual attendance. What do LS'ers think of Church Hours vs Show Hours even if we end up at the Unitarians?