Arguments against existential risk from AI, part 2

post by Nina Rimsky (NinaR) · 2023-07-10T08:25:21.235Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

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  Reasons to be skeptical
      Superintelligent AI won’t pursue a goal that results in harm to humans
      The current deep learning paradigm lacks a necessary ingredient
      We will run into resource constraints before we reach superintelligent AI
      There are economic disincentives for developing dangerous AI
      We will get nice AI by default
  Two more reasons why AI X-risk could be less likely
    Alignment will succeed
    We should acknowledge uncertainty more
    Fake “reasons” why AI X-risk is unlikely
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In this post, I provide some counterarguments to the arguments in Part 1. I then introduce two additional reasons why one may believe existential threats from AI systems are unlikely. 


In my first post, I outlined 5 ½ reasons why someone may believe the probability of AI X-Risk over the next few decades is low if we continue current approaches to training AI systems. To recap, these were:

Reasons to be skeptical

I find the resource constraint argument the strongest of the arguments above. There is a high level of uncertainty about the compute requirements for superintelligent AI, and also, there are no guarantees that Moore’s Law will continue. 

I think it’s sensible to be much less than 100% (or even 50%) certain that AI will cause an existential catastrophe, largely due to some of the above arguments and the additional arguments I will add. 

However, if you use any, or a combination, of these arguments to claim that AI X-risk in the next few decades is “highly unlikely” (let’s define this as below 1%), this seems suspect. I am skeptical of the strong form of these anti-X-risk arguments for the following reasons:

Superintelligent AI won’t pursue a goal that results in harm to humans

The current deep learning paradigm lacks a necessary ingredient

We will run into resource constraints before we reach superintelligent AI

There are economic disincentives for developing dangerous AI

We will get nice AI by default

Two more reasons why AI X-risk could be less likely

Alignment will succeed

This argument claims that although superintelligent AI may be dangerous by default, we will make sufficient progress in alignment research and determine how to build aligned AI.

Reasons to believe we will be likely to succeed include:

Our goal is to build a roughly human-level automated alignment researcher. We can then use vast amounts of compute to scale our efforts, and iteratively align superintelligence

We should acknowledge uncertainty more

Prior probabilities should dominate our predictions because we are reasoning under high uncertainty. We have not yet built the types of AI systems that could pose an existential threat, so we cannot collect empirical data. Many of the models and arguments used when reasoning about AI could end up being flawed in some way due to misunderstandings about the nature of more powerful intelligences, theory of deep learning, or some other unknown unknowns. 

If the evidence for and against X-Risk is seen as very weak, the dominant factor in your estimate is your prior, uninformed belief. Of course, the question is, “What is the correct reference class for advanced AI”? Suppose you look at base rates of transformative technologies causing significant harm to humanity. In this case, we can observe technological breakthroughs, in general, improve the average quality of life greatly, despite fearmongering at the time of invention. However, it’s hard to assess to what extent there have been counterfactual catastrophes. For example, there were instances when a nuclear war could have been triggered, and the snapshot decisions of a few individuals saved us. Then, on the other hand, technologies developed specifically as weapons could be outside the reference class. 

You could also operate with a reference class of “what happens to dumber things when more intelligent things appear” and observe that humans have not wiped out chimps, and chimps have not wiped out ants. Humans have indeed caused the extinction of some species, such as the Dodo, Tasmanian Tiger, and Steller's Sea Cow. However, most of these instances were caused by hunting, and people have become more interested in animal wellbeing and preserving biodiversity as the average intelligence and education level has risen.  

Fake “reasons” why AI X-risk is unlikely

Of course, some people dismiss concerns around AI X-risk for reasons that aren’t worth writing about, as they are so obviously flawed and don’t get at the core claims being made about AI risk in the first place. For completeness, I will give a few examples, but I’m not in the business of collecting more of these:


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