Reading More Each Day: A Simple $35 Tool

post by aysajan · 2024-07-24T13:54:04.290Z · LW · GW · 2 comments



Life is full of clever little hacks. Sometimes the most impactful ones are also the simplest. I recently stumbled upon a basic tool that has remarkably boosted my daily reading time. I'm excited to share this game-changing discovery.

Last Thanksgiving, during a visit to my cousin-in-law's cozy home in Houston, I noticed something peculiar. As we lounged in the dining room enjoying our delicious food, her 11-year old son was periodically reading a book. But what really caught my eye wasn't just his admirable commitment to literature, but rather the mechanism facilitating his reading: a compact, portable book stand.

Not only did this book stand accompany his meals, but it seemed to be his constant companion throughout the day. Two things struck me: first, the sheer volume of reading he was able to consume daily, and second, the ubiquity of the book stand in his routine.

Upon returning home, I decided to try integrating a similar system into my own life. A quick search online led me to find this lightweight, adjustable aluminum stand on Amazon (anything similar would work) for only $35. It seemed a small price to pay for the potential productivity and enjoyment gains.

 Setting it up on my kitchen counter, I began my experiment. The transformation was almost immediate. The stand enabled me to:

1. Read while standing. This not only improved my posture but also kept me active.

2. Maintain an ergonomic eye level. Gone were the days of craning my neck downward, causing unnecessary strain.

3. Grab snippets of reading time. Those 'few minutes here and there' began to add up, be it post-work relaxation, pre-bed wind-downs, or coffee breaks. Whenever there was a moment to spare, my book called from its stand.

Within a week, the difference was clear. My earlier seated reading sessions often felt cumbersome, but this newfound approach was refreshing and more accommodating to my daily routine.

Seeing the undeniable benefits, I introduced another book stand to my office space. For those without the luxury of a standing desk, this tool is a game-changer. I found an added advantage in maintaining proper posture even in the office environment. Plus, skimming through lines with my index finger—a technique to increase reading speed—felt more efficient and focused.

Fast forward six months, and my reading volume has increased exponentially. The modest $35 investment has paid rich dividends in the wealth of knowledge gained.

In summary, reading holds immense wisdom. If time has been your obstacle, consider this simple yet powerful tool. Dive deep into varied books, revisit classics, and let your mind wander through the pages. Happy reading!


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by noggin-scratcher · 2024-07-24T15:21:48.673Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Do you find there's any difficulty in retaining/integrating things you've read in short few-minute snippets between other activities?

Replies from: aysajan
comment by aysajan · 2024-07-24T15:27:20.312Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Not really, because I spend some dedicated time to Ankify important stuff from the materials I have read throughout the day (or days) and this process involves a quick review and put them together.