5-Minute Advice for EA Global

post by Logan Riggs (elriggs) · 2022-04-05T22:33:04.087Z · LW · GW · 2 comments


  Week Before

This 5-minute post is perfect advice for me, but YMMV

Week Before

1. Update your profile (pic, bio, contact). ~20 minutes

2. Schedule 20 one-on-ones - these are 10x more important than talks. Filter people by interests/stage in career/etc and cp-paste "Hey, I'm bob who works on [X]. Would you be interested in a 1-on-1 during the conference?" to the top 20 people (or bottom 20 because it's alphabetical order). You can actually save a lot of time by scheduling a specific time during your first message. No one is going to hate you if you send them these messages, haha ~10 minutes

3. Work through what you want to talk about ~1/2-10hrs

4. Put on your calendar/ set an alarm for after the conference to go over the material, contact people, etc ~2 minutes

5. If you have a talk you're interested in giving, just ask if you could give the talk through email w/ title, description, and possibly slides (I did this the Monday before, got it, and finished my slides by Wednesday, but it was a crunch)


1. Better 1-on-1s

2. If lunch is 12, get there at 12:30 or later to avoid the lines and loud atmosphere. Also, the line closest to the main entrance is likely 3x longer than the other lines. Spend 10 seconds looking at alternatives.


Go over your notes before you forget more context, and message people what you promised to send them, and set calendar reminders for actually calling people. (I use Roam research and calendly) ~1/2-10 hrs


Go spend 1-15 hrs the week before (some of which you can do even now), and get 10x the value compared to your counterfactual self (not an exaggeration)!


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by james.lucassen · 2022-04-06T06:15:05.605Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

now this is how you win the first-ever "most meetings" prize

Replies from: elriggs
comment by Logan Riggs (elriggs) · 2022-04-07T18:32:57.402Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Haha, yeah I won some sort of prize like that. I didn't know it because I left right before they announced to go take a break from all those meetings!