Meetup : Lund Meetup

post by kotrfa · 2015-11-07T21:35:07.598Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 1 comments


  Discussion article for the meetup : Lund Meetup
  Discussion article for the meetup : Lund Meetup
1 comment

Discussion article for the meetup : Lund Meetup

WHEN: 12 November 2015 12:15:00PM (+0100)

WHERE: Scheelevägen 15,223 63 Lund, Sweden


we are two to three LessWrongers here and we decided to meet up a bit more regularly during the following weeks, most probably on Thursdays.

Don't hesitate to leave a personal message here (I promise I will take a look at it before every Thursday) so we can eventually update you with informations.

Bye, Daniel

Discussion article for the meetup : Lund Meetup


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Spectral_Dragon · 2015-11-18T12:52:03.125Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Hello, me and a friend were planning to get involved in the meetup, however as I expect you to be rather difficult to distinguish I'd prefer some way to be able to find you lot. If I am outside Ideon Alpha building, on the west side, at 12:15 thursday wearing a tie and a portal bag, would I be correct in the belief that someone will locate me and direct me to the meet up?