Meetup : Washington, D.C.: TED Talks
post by RobinZ · 2016-08-11T16:52:39.988Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 commentsContents
Discussion article for the meetup : Washington, D.C.: TED Talks Upcoming meetups: Discussion article for the meetup : Washington, D.C.: TED Talks None No comments
Discussion article for the meetup : Washington, D.C.: TED Talks
This week, we will be meeting at the home of one of the meetup regulars (6210 Belcrest Road Apt 1131) to watch TED talks. Directions have been posted to the meetup announcement in the Google Groups thread.
As always, side conversations are allowed and encouraged.
Upcoming meetups:
- Aug. 21: Mini Talks
- Aug. 28: Legos
- Sep. 4: Fun & Games
Discussion article for the meetup : Washington, D.C.: TED Talks
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