Dario Amodei’s prepared remarks from the UK AI Safety Summit, on Anthropic’s Responsible Scaling Policy

post by Zac Hatfield-Dodds (zac-hatfield-dodds) · 2023-11-01T18:10:31.110Z · LW · GW · 1 comments

This is a link post for https://www.anthropic.com/index/uk-ai-safety-summit


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I hope Dario's remarks to the Summit can shed some light on how we think about RSPs in general and Anthropic's RSP in particular, both of which have been discussed extensively since I shared our RSP announcement [LW · GW]. The full text of Dario's remarks follows:

Before I get into Anthropic’s Responsible Scaling Policy (RSP), it’s worth explaining some of the unique challenges around measuring AI risks that led us to develop our RSP. The most important thing to understand about AI is how quickly it is moving. A few years ago, AI systems could barely string together a coherent sentence. Today they can pass medical exams, write poetry, and tell jokes. This rapid progress is ultimately driven by the amount of available computation, which is growing by 8x per year and is unlikely to slow down in the next few years. The general trend of rapid improvement is predictable, however, it is actually very difficult to predict when AI will acquire specific skills or knowledge. This unfortunately includes dangerous skills, such as the ability to construct biological weapons. We are thus facing a number of potential AI-related threats which, although relatively limited given today’s systems, are likely to become very serious at some unknown point in the near future. This is very different from most other industries: imagine if each new model of car had some chance of spontaneously sprouting a new (and dangerous) power, like the ability to fire a rocket boost or accelerate to supersonic speeds.

We need both a way to frequently monitor these emerging risks, and a protocol for responding appropriately when they occur. Responsible scaling policies—initially suggested by the Alignment Research Center—attempt to meet this need. Anthropic published its RSP in September, and was the first major AI company to do so. It has two major components:

In our system, ASL-1 represents models with little to no risk—for example a specialized AI that plays chess. ASL-2 represents where we are today: models that have a wide range of present-day risks, but do not yet exhibit truly dangerous capabilities that could lead to catastrophic outcomes if applied to fields like biology or chemistry. Our RSP requires us to implement present-day best practices for ASL-2 models, including model cards, external red-teaming, and strong security.

ASL-3 is the point at which AI models become operationally useful for catastrophic misuse in CBRN areas, as defined by experts in those fields and as compared to existing capabilities and proofs of concept. When this happens we require the following measures:

ASL-4 represents an escalation of the catastrophic misuse risks from ASL-3, and also adds a new risk: concerns about autonomous AI systems that escape human control and pose a significant threat to society. Roughly, ASL-4 will be triggered when either AI systems become capable of autonomy at a near-human level, or become the main source in the world of at least one serious global security threat, such as bioweapons. It is likely that at ASL-4 we will require a detailed and precise understanding of what is going on inside the model, in order to make an “affirmative case” that the model is safe.


Next, I’ll briefly mention some of our key practices and lessons learned, which we hope are helpful to others in crafting an RSP. First, deep executive involvement is critical. As CEO, I personally spent 10-20% of my time on the RSP for 3 months—I wrote multiple drafts from scratch, in addition to devising and proposing the ASL system. One of my co-founders devoted 50% of their time to developing the RSP for 3 months. Together, this sent a meaningful signal to employees that Anthropic’s leadership team takes the matter of AI safety seriously and is firmly committed to responsible scaling at the frontier.

Second, make the protocols outlined in the RSP into product and research requirements, such that they become baked into company planning and drive team roadmaps and expansion plans. Set the expectation that missing RSP deadlines directly impacts the company’s ability to continue training models and ship products on time. At Anthropic, teams such as security, trust and safety, red teaming, and interpretability, have had to greatly ramp up hiring to have a reasonable chance of achieving ASL-3 safety measures by the time we have ASL-3 models.

Third, accountability is necessary. Anthropic’s RSP is a formal directive of its board, which ultimately is accountable to our Long Term Benefit Trust, an external panel of experts with no financial stake in Anthropic. On the operational side, we will put in place a whistleblower policy before we reach ASL-3 and already have an officer responsible for ensuring compliance with the RSP and reporting to our Long Term Benefit Trust. As risk increases, we expect that stronger forms of accountability will be necessary.

Finally, I’d like to discuss the relationship between RSPs and regulation. RSPs are not intended as a substitute for regulation, but rather a prototype for it. I don’t mean that we want Anthropic’s RSP to be literally written into laws—our RSP is just a first attempt at addressing a difficult problem, and is almost certainly imperfect in a bunch of ways. Importantly, as we begin to execute this first iteration, we expect to learn a vast amount about how to sensibly operationalize such commitments. Our hope is that the general idea of RSPs will be refined and improved across companies, and that in parallel with that, governments from around the world—such as those in this room—can take the best elements of each and turn them into well-crafted testing and auditing regimes with accountability and oversight. We’d like to encourage a “race to the top'' in RSP-style frameworks, where both companies and countries build off each others’ ideas, ultimately creating a path for the world to wisely manage the risks of AI without unduly disrupting the benefits.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by [deleted] · 2023-11-02T17:42:02.378Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Thanks for sharing this! A few thoughts:

It is likely that at ASL-4 we will require a detailed and precise understanding of what is going on inside the model, in order to make an “affirmative case” that the model is safe.

I'd be extremely excited for Anthropic (or ARC or other labs) to say more about what they believe would qualify as an affirmative case for safety. I appreciate this sentence a lot, and I think a "strong version" of affirmative safety (that go beyond "we have not been able to detect danger" toward "we have an understanding of the system we are building and we can make some formal or near-formal guarantees about its dangers") would be excellent.

On the other hand, a "weak version" of affirmative safety (e.g., "look, we have shown you its safe because the red-teamers could not jailbreak it using existing techniques, so now we're confident it's safe & we're going to deploy it widely & scale by another 10X") would be much worse than the "strong version".

So a lot of this will come down to how we interpret and enforce "affirmative safety", and I'd be excited to see governance proposals that center around this. 

Note that the recent FLI scorecard has a column related to affirmative safety (Burden of proof on developer to demonstrate safety?"), and it currently states that Anthropic's RSP does not put the burden of proof on developers. I think this is an accurate characterization of Anthropic's current RSP. I hope that future RSPs (from Anthropic or other companies) score better on this dimension. 

RSPs are not intended as a substitute for regulation, but rather a prototype for it

Glad that this was said explicitly. I think whether or not RSPs will be a good prototype or building block for regulation will depend a lot on how much RSPs end up adopting strong versions of "affirmative safety"

If I could wave a magic wand and add something to the statement, I'd add something like this:

In the event that companies cannot show affirmative safety, we may need to pause frontier AI development for a long period of time. Anthropic is open to the idea that AI development past a certain computing threshold should be prohibited, except in the context of a multinational organization dedicated to AGI safety. We encourage world leaders to pursue this option, and we would be eager to see progress made on the international agreements needed to make this idea into a reality. (Not a real quote from Dario).

Dario did not say this (or anything like it), and I think that's my biggest criticism of the statement. The statement reads as "let's let companies develop safety measures and race to the top"– but this still allows a race to AGI in the first place. 

I appreciate Dario for including the bit about affirmative safety. As a next step, I'd like to see him (and other lab leaders) acknowledge that affirmative safety might be extremely difficult, and since it might be, they're actively excited to see progress on international coordination that could end the race to godlike AI

(And of course, such statements don't commit Anthropic to stopping until/unless such international coordination is achieved.)