If the DoJ goes through with the Google breakup,where does Deepmind end up?

post by O O (o-o) · 2024-10-12T05:06:50.996Z · LW · GW · 1 comment

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A few predictions: A google subsidiary starts selling TPUs. Deepmind seeks outside funding and moves to productize their suite. GCP becomes more viable. Google search loses market share and is forced to compete with Gemini’s offerings. OAI and Anthropic have enormous revenue streams open up.

Timeline effects:

Acceleration due to increased competition for AGI and finally a serious contender to Nvidia. More funding unlocked by OAI and Anthropic.

Deceleration from deepmind unable to burn unlimited cash on GPUs. They have far more compute than anyone else.

Verdict: Slow down if scaling transformers is all you need. Speed up if we need a breakthrough or if a breakthrough is sufficient.


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comment by RaunakChhatwal (raunakchhatwal) · 2024-10-12T11:27:02.953Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I really doubt they'll find Deepmind reinforces Google search further than third party LLMs reinforce its competitors. Perplexity and Bing AI have an edge in generative AI integration in my opinion. There is much fear-mongering on this topic and I highly suggest pulling the [filing](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.223205/gov.uscourts.dcd.223205.1052.0_1.pdf) into NotebookLM.