Hamiltonian Dynamics in AI: A Novel Approach to Optimizing Reasoning in Language Models

post by Javier Marin Valenzuela (javier-marin-valenzuela) · 2024-10-09T19:14:56.162Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


    Important note: This post presents key findings and insights from our recent paper "Optimizing AI Reasoning: A Hamiltonian Dynamics Approach to Multi-Hop Question Answering" (link), published in arXiv.com. While this article offers a high-level overview, we encourage readers interested in the full t...
  The Hamiltonian Framework for AI Reasoning
  Analysis and Implications
  Limitations and Future Work
  Basic references
  Where to find the code of these experiments
  Open invitation
No comments

Important note: This post presents key findings and insights from our recent paper "Optimizing AI Reasoning: A Hamiltonian Dynamics Approach to Multi-Hop Question Answering" (link), published in arXiv.com. While this article offers a high-level overview, we encourage readers interested in the full technical details to refer to the original publication


Multi-hop question answering (QA) represents a challenge in AI, pushing the boundaries of systems reasoning and natural language understanding. This task requires AI systems to synthesize information from multiple sources, mirroring the complex cognitive processes humans use in problem-solving and decision-making.

Multi-hop QA demands that models navigate complex knowledge structures, drawing connections between diverse pieces of information to generate a coherent answer. This capability is crucial for developing AI systems that can engage in nuanced reasoning, provide explainable outputs, and tackle real-world problems that rarely have straightforward, single-step solutions.

Current approaches, while promising, often struggle with maintaining coherence across long reasoning chains, effectively managing contextual information, and providing transparent explanations for their conclusions. These challenges not only impact the performance of AI systems but also raise important questions about their reliability, interpretability, and potential for safe deployment in critical applications.

As we push towards more advanced AI systems, optimizing multi-hop reasoning becomes not just a matter of improving accuracy, but a key component in developing AIs that can "think" more like humans – with depth, nuance, and logical consistency. This challenge sits at the intersection of natural language processing, knowledge representation, and cognitive science, making it a rich area for innovative approaches that could help to improve how we conceptualize and implement artificial reasoning.

We propose an innovative approach based on Hamiltonian mechanics. By mapping cognitive processes to trajectories in a high-dimensional phase space, we introduce a framework that views reasoning as a dynamical system governed by principles analogous to those in classical physics. This Hamiltonian-inspired model allows us to analyze and optimize reasoning paths using tools from symplectic geometry, potentially unlocking new levels of efficiency, stability, and interpretability in AI decision-making processes.


Current AI reasoning optimization approaches, while advancing rapidly, still grapple with significant challenges. Transformer-based architectures like BERT and GPT have revolutionized language understanding but often struggle with extended reasoning chains. Knowledge graph integration enhances structured reasoning but can lack flexibility. Iterative refinement and advanced attention mechanisms improve accuracy but often at the cost of interpretability and computational efficiency. Reinforcement learning offers promising pathways for optimizing reasoning but remains sensitive to reward design. Neuro-symbolic approaches aim to bridge neural and symbolic reasoning but face scalability issues. Recent innovations in prompt engineering and in-context learning show potential but may not generalize well.

While significant progress has been made in optimizing reasoning processes, there remains an opportunity to develop more comprehensive theoretical frameworks that unify our understanding across different approaches. Many current methods operate as black boxes, making it difficult to interpret or guarantee the reliability of their reasoning paths. The challenge remains: how can we develop AI systems that reason with the depth, nuance, and logical consistency of human thought while maintaining transparency and efficiency?

Our Hamiltonian-inspired approach seeks to address these limitations by introducing a physics-based framework for analyzing and optimizing AI reasoning trajectories, potentially opening new avenues for more robust and interpretable AI reasoning systems.

The Hamiltonian Framework for AI Reasoning

Our approach maps AI reasoning to Hamiltonian systems, offering a different framework for analyzing and optimizing complex cognitive processes. At its core, we represent reasoning states  as vectors in a high-dimensional embedding space:


where  is an embedding function and  is the input text. The input text  is first tokenized into a sequence of tokens \(\left(t_1,\ t_2,...,t_n\right)\\) using the LLM's tokenizer . Each token  is mapped to its corresponding embedding vector:          


The momentum represents the change in reasoning between consecutive states:


The basis of our framework is the Hamiltonian for reasoning:


where,  is the "kinetic energy" or cognitive effort of changing states, and  is the "potential energy" or relevance of the current state, where  is a similarity function (e.g., cosine similarity) and  is the desired answer embedding.

This formulation allows us to view reasoning as a trajectory in phase space, governed by Hamilton's equations:


Phase plots for focused and multi-concept reasoning in a 2D Hamiltonian system

The reasoning phase space inherits a symplectic structure, preserving geometric properties as reasoning evolves. This is analogous to Liouville's theorem in classical mechanics, which states that the phase space volume is conserved under Hamiltonian flow:


We implement this framework using a custom symplectic optimizer inspired by the Forest-Ruth algorithm, a 4th-order symplectic integrator. The update rule for our optimizer takes the form:


where  is an adaptive step size based on the current Hamiltonian value. This Hamiltonian view enables us to apply useful analytical frameworks from physics to AI reasoning as the Frenet frame. For instance, we can study the curvature () and torsion () of reasoning trajectories:

                                                           \(\kappa\ =\ \frac{\left|\gamma\prime\prime(t)\ \times\ \gamma\prime(t)\right|}{\left|\gamma\prime(t)\right|^3}\\)

where  is the trajectory curve, and , and  are the tangent, normal, and binormal unit vectors respectively.

Velocity, acceleration and trajectory angle in a curve using Frenet frame.

These geometric properties provide insights into the "cognitive flexibility" of the system, with high curvature potentially indicating rapid shifts in reasoning direction. We can also explore conservation laws in reasoning. For instance, quantities analogous to angular momentum in physical systems might represent conserved aspects of effective reasoning processes:


By framing AI reasoning in this Hamiltonian context, we open up new ways for analysis and optimization. We can quantify the "energy" of cognitive processes, study the geometry of reasoning paths, and potentially uncover fundamental principles governing effective cognition. This approach not only provides a new optimization technique but offers a different way of conceptualizing and improving AI reasoning, particularly for complex tasks like multi-hop QA.


Our methodology integrates several components to create a Hamiltonian-inspired framework for AI reasoning optimization.

At the basis lies our custom OBQADataset class, designed to handle the OpenBookQA data with higher efficiency. This class not only manages the complex tasks of text tokenization, padding, and truncation, but also converts labels into the appropriate tensor format. By implementing lazy loading, we've optimized memory use during training, allowing for smooth processing of large datasets.

Another important part of our optimization process is the Advanced Symplectic Optimizer (pseudo code below), a custom implementation derived from the Forest-Ruth algorithm. This 4th-order symplectic integrator computes adaptive step sizes based on the system's current "Hamiltonian" state. By maintaining the geometric structure inherent in Hamiltonian systems throughout the training process, this optimizer makes possible enhanced stability and efficiency, potentially leading to more robust learning outcomes.


params: model parameters  
lr: learning rate  
beta: momentum decay factor   
epsilon: small value for numerical stability 

For each parameter p in params:        
state[p] = {'step': 0,'momentum': zeros_like(p)} Function step(closure = None):   
loss = None

If closure is not None:
    loss = closure()

For each parameter group in param_groups:        
     For each parameter p in group['params']:
            If p.grad is None:
            grad = p.grad
            state = self.state[p]
            If state is empty:  
               state['step'] = 0
               state['momentum'] = zeros_like(p.data)
               momentum = state['momentum']
               state['step'] += 1 
               # Update momentum (approximating 4th order symplectic integrator)                       momentum = beta * momentum + (1 - beta) * grad      

               # Compute adaptive step size
               kinetic = 0.5 * sum(momentum^2)
               potential = 0.5 * sum(grad^2)
               hamiltonian = kinetic + potential
               step_size = lr / (sqrt(hamiltonian) + epsilon)
               # Update parameter
               p = p - step_size * momentum    

Return loss

We customized the standard GPT-2 model architecture to meet our particular specifications. Our HamiltonianGPT2 model enhances the GPT2LMHeadModel by integrating a custom classification layer. This strategic modification enables taking advantage of GPT-2's robust language understanding capabilities, while adapting the model to our specific classification task.

The integration of these components is done through our proposed "Hamiltonian Loss" function. This function effectively combines standard classification loss with a regularization term based on the norms of the model's parameters. Encouraging the model to identify solutions that lower "energy" consumption effectively directs it towards achieving more stable and generalizable representations. This method sets a penalization on higher parameter values, which may reduce the risk of overfitting and improve the model's capacity to generalize across different scenarios.

Our scheme, which optimizes AI reasoning and offers a different perspective on AI cognitive processes, is the result of the complementary tasks of these components. 

DatasetWe used the OpenBookQA (OBQA) dataset, which contains 998 records with Fact 1, Fact 2, question, answer, and a binary label indicating correctness
Model ArchitectureWe extended the GPT-2 model (specifically GPT2LMHeadModel) with a custom classification layer for binary classification
OptimizerWe implemented a custom AdvancedSymplecticOptimizer, inspired by the 4th-order Forest-Ruth algorithm
Learning RateWe used a learning rate of 5e-5 for our optimizer
Batch SizeTraining was conducted with a batch size of 16
EpochsThe model was trained for 5 epochs
Cross-ValidationWe used K-fold cross-validation with K=3 to ensure robustness of our results.
Loss FunctionWe used a custom Hamiltonian loss function that combines standard cross-entropy loss with a regularization term based on parameter norms
TokenizationInput texts were tokenized, padded, and truncated to a maximum length of 128 tokens.

                 Resume table with the experimental setup and hyperparameters


Our experiments indicate that the Hamiltonian-inspired approach showed notable improvements over the standard GPT-2 baseline across several key metrics. It's important to note that the baseline GPT-2 model, which was not specifically optimized for this task, performed as might be expected for an out-of-the-box solution on a specialized multi-hop reasoning challenge. The performance of the standard GPT-2 model was as follows:

F1 Score0.0138

These results suggest that multi-hop reasoning tasks present significant challenges for general-purpose language models without task-specific fine-tuning. Our HamiltonianGPT2 model, designed specifically for this type of task, showed different performance characteristics. The results from our model were as follows:

Without K-fold cross-validation:

F1 Score0.8454

Without K-fold cross-validation:

Mean Accuracy90.60% (±2.32%)
Mean F1 Score0.8627 (±0.0338)

The data indicate a substantial difference in performance between our model and the baseline. While the baseline achieved 2% accuracy, our model's accuracy ranged from 88.28% to 92.92% (95% confidence interval). It's worth noting that this improvement is observed on this specific dataset and task.

The similarity between non-cross-validated and cross-validated results suggests potential for generalization, which could be valuable for real-world applications. However, further testing on diverse datasets would be necessary to confirm this.

The model appears to balance precision and recall, which may indicate its ability to both identify correct reasoning chains and avoid false positives. The relatively small standard deviations in cross-validation suggest consistency across different data subsets within this dataset.

These results are encouraging, but it's important to consider that performance on other datasets or in different contexts may vary. Further investigation would be needed to fully understand the model's capabilities and limitations across a broader range of scenarios.

Analysis and Implications

Our Hamiltonian-inspired approach to AI reasoning optimization has shown promising results in this specific context. The observed performance improvement, while substantial in our experiments, warrants further investigation across diverse scenarios and datasets. These initial findings invite us to consider potential new directions in AI research and their possible implications for the field.

Potential Areas for Further Investigation in AI Reasoning:

  1. Multi-step Reasoning: Our model's performance on multi-hop reasoning tasks in this specific context is encouraging. However, it's important to note that this represents progress within a narrow domain and does not necessarily indicate general cognitive capabilities comparable to human experts. Further research is needed to understand the extent and limitations of these capabilities across diverse scenarios.
  2. Reasoning Visualization: Our approach of mapping reasoning to physical systems offers one potential perspective on AI decision-making processes. While this may provide some insights, it's premature to claim a significant breakthrough in AI interpretability. Extensive work remains to determine whether this approach genuinely enhances our understanding of AI cognition or leads to more explainable systems.
  3. Broader Applicability: The model's performance on language-based reasoning tasks is promising within our experimental context. However, its applicability to other domains requiring complex decision-making remains speculative. Rigorous testing across various fields and task types would be necessary to assess the true extent of cross-domain applicability.

These observations suggest potential avenues for future research rather than definitive advancements in AI capabilities. Each area requires thorough investigation, replication of results, and careful consideration of limitations before broader conclusions can be drawn.

Potential Considerations for AI Alignment and Safety Research:

  1. Reasoning Visualization: Our Hamiltonian framework offers one way to represent reasoning as trajectories in phase space. This perspective might contribute to ongoing research on monitoring and guiding AI reasoning processes, though significant work remains to connect this representation to human values and intentions.
  2. Constrained Computation: The 'cognitive energy' concept in our model could be explored as a potential approach to computational constraints in AI systems. However, extensive research would be needed to determine if this could meaningfully impact the prevention of unintended behaviors.
  3. Decision Stability: While our results showed some stability in specific scenarios, it's premature to claim broader robustness against errors or adversarial attacks. This area warrants thorough investigation across diverse contexts and potential failure modes.
  4. Ethical Considerations: Extending our approach might offer a new perspective on incorporating ethical constraints into AI reasoning. However, translating abstract physical analogies into concrete ethical guidelines presents significant challenges that require interdisciplinary collaboration.
  5. Human-AI Interaction: The physical intuition behind our approach could potentially aid in explaining certain AI decisions. Yet, substantial work is needed to determine whether this truly enhances overall system interpretability or human-AI collaboration in practice.

These potential implications are experimental and require extensive further research to validate. We present them not as conclusions, but as areas for future exploration, each with its own set of challenges and limitations.

Limitations and Future Work

While our Hamiltonian-inspired approach shows promise, it's important to acknowledge its limitations and outline future directions sincerely.


  1. Dataset Specificity: Our experiments primarily used the OBQA dataset, potentially limiting generalizability.
  2. Computational Overhead: The symplectic optimizer, while effective, increases computational complexity.
  3. Interpretability Challenges: Fully interpreting high-dimensional 'reasoning trajectories' remains complex.
  4. Narrow Focus: Current implementation is limited to multi-hop question answering tasks.

Future Research Directions:

  1. Cross-Domain Validation: Applying our approach to diverse datasets and tasks.
  2. Scaling Studies: Investigating performance with larger models and datasets.
  3. Hybrid Approaches: Combining our method with other AI techniques.
  4. Enhanced Interpretability: Developing better visualization tools for reasoning trajectories.
  5. Theoretical Foundations: Deepening mathematical connections between Hamiltonian mechanics and cognition.
  6. Ethical Reasoning: Incorporating ethical constraints into our framework.
  7. Adversarial Robustness: Studying and improving performance under adversarial attacks.
  8. Human-AI Interaction: Exploring collaborative intelligence within our framework.

While our approach shows promise in the specific context we've studied, we recognize it as a modest contribution to the rapidly evolving field of AI. Significant challenges persist, and further research is necessary to validate and extend these findings. We hope to engage with the broader research community to address the limitations we've identified and to explore potential applications of this approach.

Our work may offer one perspective on AI reasoning optimization, but the development of more capable and aligned AI systems remains a complex, long-term endeavor. Progress in this field will likely require diverse approaches, rigorous testing, and collaborative efforts across the research community.

Basic references

Where to find the code of these experiments

To find more information about the experimental setup and hyperparameters, the code is available here

Open invitation

"We present this work as a starting point for discussion and further exploration. Given the complex nature of AI reasoning and the potential implications of advancements in this field, we welcome rigorous critique, alternative perspectives, and novel ideas from the LessWrong community.

If you see flaws in our reasoning, potential improvements to our methodology, or connections to other areas of research that we may have overlooked, we encourage you to share your thoughts. Your insights, whether supportive or critical, are valuable in refining and extending this approach.

We're particularly interested in:

  1. Potential weaknesses or hidden assumptions in our Hamiltonian framework
  2. Ideas for more robust empirical validation of our results
  3. Theoretical connections to other areas of AI, physics, or cognitive science
  4. Ethical considerations we may not have fully addressed

By engaging in open, critical discourse, we hope to collectively push forward our understanding of AI reasoning optimization and its broader implications. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this work.



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