Meetup : Retelling stuff from CFAR Epistemic Rationality for EA
post by rocurley · 2014-05-29T20:37:45.023Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 1 commentsContents
Discussion article for the meetup : Retelling stuff from CFAR Epistemic Rationality for EA Discussion article for the meetup : Retelling stuff from CFAR Epistemic Rationality for EA None 1 comment
Discussion article for the meetup : Retelling stuff from CFAR Epistemic Rationality for EA
One of our members will be talking about things he learned at the CFAR Epistemic Rationality for Effective Altruists event.
Topics may include:
"5 minute exercises" - basically a way to practice the skill in this post.
"Case studies" - people can volunteer beliefs they want to have challenged/refined, and everyone else asks them questions.
Aversion factoring for epistemic rationality habits
Discussion article for the meetup : Retelling stuff from CFAR Epistemic Rationality for EA
Comments sorted by top scores.
comment by Benquo · 2014-05-30T04:14:39.457Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I should disclaim that this is my interpretation and not a complete account or likely to be quite the way they taught it or will teach it in the future.
I still expect it to be high-value for anyone who actually wants to practice the art of rationality, and not just talk about it.