

Comment by bpdrefugee on [deleted post] 2011-11-24T02:05:35.504Z

Thank you. This is encouraging.

I suspect that we turn to BPD types partly to cover our own deficiencies.

This rings true.

Comment by bpdrefugee on [deleted post] 2011-11-24T02:04:44.963Z

Yeah, I mention it because my lack of expertise and probable bias make the evaluation suspect.

Comment by bpdrefugee on [deleted post] 2011-11-13T09:46:45.214Z

Thanks wedrifid :)

I'm a throwaway account for a regular user. You're unlikely to see me outside of this post.

Comment by bpdrefugee on [deleted post] 2011-11-12T08:30:15.355Z

I also recently left a relationship with a girl with borderline personality disorder (my diagnosis, not professionally diagnosed). I love her. As scientism put it:

her emotional volatility was utterly was impossible to keep up and it became exhilarating...It was bizarre and incredibly addictive.

I'm young and inexperienced in love. I'm worried that it was her BPD that made her so enchanting - she was so present, so spontaneous and radiant. I had the best times of my life with her.

Can others who have been with BPD types and then had relationships afterwards tell me: do you find love as intense as that again? Do you have the best times of your life with someone without also having the worst?

Edited in response to downvote to be less plaintive.