

Comment by chad-wick on [deleted post] 2018-03-13T03:19:57.511Z

I came to a similar conclusion a couple years ago, though I'm less certain of it now. I think you're correct that math is dual to the kinds of self-dialogue (or observation) that people normally have while meditating, but I think that's just a quirk of how people normally meditate.

When most people meditate, their thoughts are fairly free-form and unstructured. You can make them a bit more guided by top-down giving them some structure. When I do this, my meditative thoughts start coming in more structured bits, often through visuals.

You can do this with different structures. For example you can try imposing intention (as in "X intends to do Y", or "X intended to say Z") to your meditative thoughts.

I think this is closer to daydreaming than meditation. I won't contest that daydreaming about math is a great deal of fun.