

Comment by goldenfetus on [deleted post] 2023-11-24T19:56:30.529Z

>For example: I expect that if I had framed this post as "you should want to save the world, and here's how" rather than "if you want to save the world, then here's how", a bunch of people who are currently on board with this post would have instead felt aggressed and reacted by finding excuses to reject this post's contents.

I argue/observe that the people who would have felt that way if you had said that would have actually been aggressed against (as opposed to just feeling that way), and therefore would not have needed to find any excuses, since they would have had a valid reason to reject (at least parts of) the post's content. Your other invocations of that concept, however, appeared reasonable and insightful to me.

I enjoyed your post and found it useful for a number of reasons. It may be worthwhile to examine the possibility that other paladins exist who would not necessarily cooperate with you, because their conception of the goal state "the world is saved" is different from your own.