
Tackling Moloch: How YouCongress Offers a Novel Coordination Mechanism 2024-05-15T23:13:48.501Z


Comment by Hector Perez Arenas (hector-perez-arenas) on Tackling Moloch: How YouCongress Offers a Novel Coordination Mechanism · 2024-08-03T08:31:29.428Z · LW · GW

Does it? Sorry about that. The minimum set of permissions of twitter login seems to be "Read". I guess we'll need to give more priority to sign up with email and password.


Comment by Hector Perez Arenas (hector-perez-arenas) on Tackling Moloch: How YouCongress Offers a Novel Coordination Mechanism · 2024-08-03T08:15:07.641Z · LW · GW

Good catch Mako! There was an error in the priority list diagram. Yet, as I understand a priority list, it should choose the first active vote – including abstention. So if the first one in the priority list doesn't vote but the second votes abstention, the voter would abstain. Does it make sense? I've updated the diagram. Thanks for pointing out the error!

Comment by Hector Perez Arenas (hector-perez-arenas) on Tackling Moloch: How YouCongress Offers a Novel Coordination Mechanism · 2024-05-17T21:22:01.185Z · LW · GW

Done! The website and LessWrong post now use "public opinion poll" instead of "voting". Thanks again for the suggestion, @Nathan Helm-Burger!

Comment by Hector Perez Arenas (hector-perez-arenas) on Tackling Moloch: How YouCongress Offers a Novel Coordination Mechanism · 2024-05-16T05:01:55.460Z · LW · GW

Thanks for the feedback Nathan! We'll definitely consider framing it as public opinion polls—you're right that it could be more impactful and less confusing.

Regarding Twitter/X, we plan to add normal user/email login. We initially used Twitter login to simplify things and allow public figures to manage their content. But we'll definitely expand login options.

And allowing users to create digital twins from LessWrong posts and uploaded documents is a fantastic idea! We'll definitely explore that, thanks for the suggestion!