

Comment by joshua-haas on [deleted post] 2017-11-21T16:44:44.681Z

Re: "Any coders that would like to jump into this?"

I hope it's okay to pitch my own startup for this:

We make a tool to let non-programmers build things like this kind of project. Think SquareSpace for web applications with real, custom logic. We're accessible to anyone with enough computer skills to, for example, build formulas in excel.

I started Bubble precisely because I had a bunch of ideas for similar things -- collaboration sites, smart todos lists, etc. -- and even as an experienced programmer, I found that the effort of building each one was deterring me from experimenting. I wanted something that would let me do something like this in 30 minutes instead of a week or two.

I'd call it a solid success: we use Bubble to build all our own internal tools, of course, and we recently built a lightweight JIRA knock-off for project management with v1 finished in an hour, and probably 3 - 4 more hours of ongoing refinements.

Beyond my own selfish interest in seeing the business take off, I'd love to see more awareness of Bubble in the rationalist community, because I think it's a great fit: a lot of people experimenting ideas for improving discourse / thinking / knowledge-sharing, with a high-ratio of technically-inclined people, but not necessarily too many people who could develop applications like this full time. A lot of making these kinds of experiments work is having a low cost of trying them, so I think more adoption could lead to a bunch of cool things happening.