

Comment by rene-saenz on [deleted post] 2021-07-06T21:24:19.369Z

By counterprogramming I mean content made in opposition to rather than supporting common notions of dieting.

Anyway, I would've presented a more compelling argument if I was arguing for the mainstream narrative. I never intended to argue, just to inquire. You have only done two things:

  1. Referenced a diet claimed to be followed by a diet salesman which supposedly lost fat with little exercise and added calories. I'm not going to argue over whether or not this is possible, it's just a ridiculous source. I suppose you expect me to biohack myself by not exercising for 2 years and eating butter to prove him wrong.
  2. Gave excuses for why you can't gain weight, which are somewhat valid but seem to hinge on a lack of effort disguised as "strategy".

This quote should be instructive:

"Basically, you think the world is simple and also seem to have little idea of how the real world works. The studies we have on diets suggests that it's frequently very hard..."

Comment by rene-saenz on [deleted post] 2021-07-06T18:51:12.593Z

The answer to my original question: the bulk/cut diet is not advocated on LW because diet talk on LW tends to select strongly for counterprogramming. Go figure.

Anyway, if you want to gain weight, you have two options:

  1. Eat measurably more than you would otherwise. Your experiment works on the same logic as thinking that skipping a 700 calorie breakfast would lose you 6 pounds a month. That your conclusion was that "interacting with [the body's natural control system] isn't easy" is nonsensical. Measuring what you eat works and is very easy. 
  2. The better option: add about 1500 calories to your normal diet instead. This is what people say when they drink milk, just add fast calories wherever you want and try to maintain your normal diet. Choose whatever non-inflammatory food you want, perhaps butter.
Comment by rene-saenz on [deleted post] 2021-07-06T17:25:11.972Z

Can you please give a citation for the Dave Asprey thing? I don't think that's true.


Also, if I understand correctly, you tried to gain weight by adding 800 kcal without counting your calories?

Comment by rene-saenz on [deleted post] 2021-07-05T05:12:12.322Z

My personal experience is that following this has made me far more effective in following diets of my choosing, and has improved my body composition consistently. I have personally come across hundreds of people who have very likely followed this with exceptional results. I believe with certitude that it is effective, but I acknowledge that relatively high barriers to entry and selection for positive cases influences my experience.


PRE-APPROVAL EDIT: It should be noted that while my post should have a persuasive effect, I didn't write it as an argument because of a lack of novel evidence/reasoning. My aim is specifically to get discussion of this on LessWrong because it may be a blind spot, not to explain or reason something.