

Comment by Sarah on [deleted post] 2008-07-02T22:56:00.000Z

until I had a second realization: rather a lot of women talk about men as if we were unsympathetic aliens. And if you went back a century or two, most men would talk about women as alien creatures.

There's an example of something that drives women away. That sentence makes me feel as if you're saying men are so oppressed by judgemental women and sure, women used to be oppressed by men, but that's all over now, isn't it? When it's not - Robin has offended a lot of women here and this post has offended me too, though to a lesser degree. I think perhaps you could stop defending Robin so much and examine how your language and his is making women feel. We're allowed to say we feel excluded from this, we're allowed to examine why, and if you want to 'do better' you might examine what we're saying rather than what Hanson said and why you found it perfectly okay.