post by [deleted] · · ? · GW · 0 comments

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comment by dxu · 2023-04-16T05:22:26.829Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I think I'm having some trouble parsing this, but not in a way that necessarily suggests your ideas are incoherent and/or bad—simply that your (self-admittedly) unusual communication style is making it hard for me to understand what you are saying.

It's possible you wrote this post the way you did because this is the way the ideas in question were natively represented in your brain, and translating them out of that representation and into something more third-party legible would have been effortful and/or infeasible. If so, there's plausibly not much to be done here besides for one of us to try much harder/longer at bridging the gap (and in the interests of full disclosure, I will tell you right now that I don't intend to be that person)!

But in case you do think it would be possible to explain your points in a less flowery/poetic way, without too much added effort, I'd like this comment to function as a request for you to do just that.