ACX Atlanta January Meetup
post by Steve French (steve-french) · 2023-12-29T14:56:26.204Z · ? · GW · 0 commentsContents
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We return to Bold Monk brewing for a vigorous discussion of rationalism and whatever else we deem fit for discussion – hopefully including actual discussions of the sequences and Hamming Circles/Group Debugging.
Bold Monk Brewing
1737 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW
Suite D-1
Atlanta, GA 30318, USA
We will have a book club this meetup - the reading will be select chapters from David Friedman's Legal Systems Very Different from Ours. Here is a late webbed draft (online), the Kindle version, or the paperback version.
We will be discussing the following chapters
- Jewish Law
- Islamic Law
- Plains Indian Law
- Somali Law
- England in the 18th century
Saturday January 27th, 2024, at 2:00 PM
We will be outside out front (in the breezeway) – this is subject to change, but we will be somewhere in Bold Monk. If you do not see us in the front of the restaurant, please check upstairs and out back – look for the yellow table sign. We will have to play the weather by ear.
Remember – bouncing around in conversations is a rationalist norm!
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