Examples of How I Use LLMs

post by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-10-14T17:10:04.597Z · LW · GW · 2 comments



I often talk to people who don't find LLMs useful. Paraphrasing:

Why would I want to ask questions to a thing that might give me the right answer but might also make something up that fools me into thinking it's right? I've played with them, but they don't seem like they'd save me any time.

My experience with has been that there are some things LLMs are much better at than others and you need to learn where they're suitable, but overall I get a lot out of working with them. I went back over my recent history in Claude, the one I use most, and here are cases where I found it helpful:

There are still a lot of things it gets wrong, but it turns out there are many areas where I can pretty easily check the output and where something mostly-right is a good starting point.

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Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Viliam · 2024-10-15T12:34:50.204Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

LLMs are great at doing work that would take me a lot of time, but I can quickly evaluate whether it is correct; for example, I can run the generated code. As a side effect, I sometimes learn new things; for example recently the generated code contained a new language feature that I was not aware of. Or I get a solution that is OK, but different from how I would have done it, so it is something I can think about.

I did this web page in a weekend (it needs some more polishing, and then I am going to write an article about it -- but the idea is that you are supposed to click the button at the bottom and then use "print preview"), where "weekend" is an euphemism for two blocks of time, about 2 or 3 hours each, and that includes doing and re-doing the graphics. If I tried to do the same thing myself, it would take me at least as much time just to figure out the necessary JavaScript and CSS features (because I don't use JS and CSS regularly).

comment by Yair Halberstadt (yair-halberstadt) · 2024-10-15T04:14:43.178Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

The single most useful thing I use LLMs for is telling me how to do things in bash. I use bash all the time for one off tasks, but not quite enough to build familiarity with it + learn all the quirks of the commands + language.

90% of the time it gives me a working bash script first shot, each time saving me between 5 minutes to half an hour.

Another thing LLMs are good at is e.g taking a picture of e.g. screw, and asking what type of screw it is.

They're also great at converting data from one format to another: here's some JSON, convert it into Yaml. Now prototext. I forgot to mention, use maps instead of nested structs, and use Pascal case. Also the JSON is hand written and not actually legal.

Similarly they're good at fuzzy data querying tasks. I received this giant error response including full stack trace and lots of irrelevant fields, where's the actual error, and what lines of the file should I look at.