D&D.Sci Scenario Index

post by aphyer, abstractapplic · 2024-07-23T02:00:43.483Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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There have been a lot of D&D.Sci scenarios, but there's a lot of variance between them in complexity and quality.  Some are more difficult, and might not be a good place to start, while others are much simpler - some were very good, while others on reflection didn't flow quite right.  

Unfortunately, LW karma doesn't track the quality of these scenarios very well: often mediocre scenarios are higher-karma than better scenarios (whether because they had good writing around a poor scenario, or because people upvoted before playing them, or just because more people happened to be online and see them).

If you're interested in playing D&D.Sci scenarios, but don't know where to start, this index (compiled by frequent authors abstractapplic and aphyer, we'll try to keep this updated going forwards) is a good reference point to make sure you can pick good scenarios at a difficulty level you're comfortable with.

If you're new to D&D.Sci, you should probably start with the lower-Complexity scenarios and move up to the higher-Complexity ones.  Scenarios with Quality Rating 1-2 are probably less worth playing, while the higher-rated ones are ones we'd recommend.

ScenarioComplexity Rating (1=easy, 5=hard)Quality Rating (1=low, 5=high)Author[1]
D&D.Sci: Whom Shall You Call? [LW · GW]22[2]abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci Alchemy: Archmage Anachronos and the Supply Chain Issues [LW · GW]35aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci Long War: Defender of Data-mocracy [LW · GW]44aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci (Easy Mode): On The Construction Of Impossible Structures [LW · GW]13abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci: The Mad Tyrant's Pet Turtles [LW · GW]44[3]abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci(-fi): Colonizing the SuperHyperSphere [LW · GW]33[3]abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci 5E: Return of the League of Defenders [LW · GW]43aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci: All the D8a. Allllllll of it. [LW · GW]51[4]aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci December 2022: The Boojumologist [LW · GW]21[2]abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci September 2022: The Allocation Helm [LW · GW]34abstractapplic [LW · GW]
Dwarves & D.Sci: Data Fortress [LW · GW]33aphyer [LW · GW]
Ars D&D.sci: Mysteries of Mana [LW · GW]33aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci June 2022: A Goddess Tried To Reincarnate Me Into Another World [LW · GW]22[2]abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci Divination: Nine Black Doves [LW · GW]42aphyer [LW · GW]
Duels & D.Sci March 2022: It's time for D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-data! [LW · GW]55aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.SCP: Anomalous Acquisitions [LW · GW]52[5]aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci Holiday Special: How the Grinch Pessimized Christmas [LW · GW]33aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci Dungeoncrawling: The Crown of Command [LW · GW]43aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci 4th Edition: League of Defenders of the Storm [LW · GW]45aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci Pathfinder: Return of the Gray Swan [LW · GW]5[6]2aphyer [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci August 2021: The Oracle and the Monk [LW · GW]24abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci(-Fi) June 2021: The Duel with Earwax [LW · GW]43abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci May 2021: Monster Carcass Auction [LW · GW]22abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci April 2021: Voyages of the Gray Swan [LW · GW]25[3]abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci III: Mancer Matchups [LW · GW]31abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci II: The Sorceror's Personal Shopper [LW · GW]25[3]abstractapplic [LW · GW]
D&D.Sci [LW · GW]35abstractapplic [LW · GW]

If you disagree with any of these ratings let us know, we're happy to review - there were some scenarios where we disagreed on the correct rating while compiling this list, and we'd appreciate your comments as an outside view, especially if you're a frequent player!

  1. ^

    Keen-eyed readers will notice a correlation between this column and the 'Complexity' column.

  2. ^

    abstractapplic: These scenarios were attempts to convey / demonstrate specific ideas with real-world relevance; I judge that they failed at this; I therefore grade them a little less generously than you might.

  3. ^

    abstractapplic: These scenarios were attempts to convey / demonstrate specific ideas with real-world relevance; I judge that they succeeded at this; I therefore grade them a little more generously than you might.

  4. ^

    aphyer: I thought this scenario was great, and still do, but given that absolutely nobody but me liked it I am forced to admit that the odds suggest you will not like it either.

  5. ^

    aphyer: I'm quite proud of the writing in this scenario, but the actual scenario itself was mediocre.

  6. ^

    aphyer: Sadly the difficulty rating for this scenario arises less from complexity and more from tedium: the scenario doesn't have an intricate model with sneaky multivariate effects, it just has way too many simple effects to juggle and dull bits of work to do.


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