Factoring P(doom) into a bayesian network

post by Joseph Gardi (joseph-gardi-1) · 2024-10-17T17:55:37.455Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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I wouldn't be surprised if this is already a thing so please let me know if it is. I have tried searching. I'd like a tool like this one for analyzing P(doom): https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/. Other precedents are this model of transformative AI timeline on less wrong [LW · GW] and the use of bayesian networks for forecasting climate change.

The problem of estimating P(doom) is very complicated but it is not impossible. It is not metaphysical like estimating P(we live in a simulation) or P(we are a boltzman brain). P(doom) is a tangible thing based on human technology. Just very very complicated. It requires summing over many different possibilities. So maybe can we do better by factoring the distribution? This would break the problem down into parts which can each be analyzed one at a time. 

Suppose there were market or expert based priors for the following probabilities. 


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