AI Safety Berlin Kickoff Meetup

post by pranomostro · 2022-04-18T16:55:53.359Z · ? · GW · 1 comments


  If you're doubtful whether to show up to the initial meeting, just show up.
1 comment

Hello everyone, I'm going to start an attempt at independent AI alignment research in (some of) my free time. My current plan is as follows:

In general, I will try to follow the advice in this post [? · GW], but I'm reasonably flexible with the format. Here's some stuff we could do (in roughly descending order of my preference):

My current plan is to do this in the EA offices, but I might decide that that's a bit too expensive for me, and instead meet up at my place.

If you're doubtful whether to show up to the initial meeting, just show up.

I'm fairly open for basically anyone to attend the first kickof meetup at Kastanienalle, because I'm really interested in seeing who here in Berlin is interested in this topic and would like to do something about it :-).

I'll be a bit more restrictive in who I decide to actually then decide to meet up with on a weekly basis (to a reasonable degree, I imagine the pool of people to choose from is quite small :-D). My criteria are something like:

If you decide you want to come, let me know in some way (reply to this, write me a private message, whatever), so that I know how big a reservation I should make.

I'm really looking forward to this, see you around :-)


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comment by Lucie Philippon (lucie-philippon) · 2022-04-19T11:35:32.371Z · ? · GW

I would love to go, and was pondering quite hard whether to try other people interested in this endeavour in Berlin. Sadly I am not available this weekend. Can I join on saturday 30th without going to the first one ?