Progress links and tweets, 2022-11-29
post by jasoncrawford · 2022-11-29T20:54:38.555Z · LW · GW · 0 commentsThis is a link post for
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The Progress Forum
- My AMA (ask me anything)
- Are Technologies Inevitable? (Matt Clancy)
- Comparing process improvement in manufacturing and construction: Duco vs Drywall (Brian Potter)
- An optogenetic retinal prosthesis (via @maxhodak_)
- The Atlantic Progress Summit, LA, Dec 13 (via @DKThomp). There is a community meetup planned around this
- A new mRNA vaccine against all known influenza virus subtypes (via @ScottEHensley)
- Waymo One is opening to the public in San Francisco (via @Waymo)
- AI plays Diplomacy (via @ml_perception). See Zvi Mowshowitz’s take
- Kevin Esvelt on how to prevent the next pandemic. In the inagural issue of the new Asterisk Magazine
- Guinea worm disease is close to being eradicated (via @redouad)
- Tyler Cowen on falling inequality
- Concrete visions/narratives for technology over the next 20-30 years?) (@nabeelqu)
- What’s the best economic case for space?
- Examples of path-dependency in technology? (@_brianpotter)
- Who should Milan Cvitkovic meet in London or Oxford? (@MWCvitkovic)
- Anyone know about the early history of semiconductor research?
- Who would you like to see speak at Peter Diamandis’s Abundance360 Summit? (@PeterDiamandis)
- Suggested reading on the issue of preindustrial child abandonment?
- What’s the most interesting thing/person/event in the world right now? (@pmarca)
- Turn-of-the-century horsesharing programs
- The spirit of applied science, on the eve of the era of synthetic chemistry
- Questions that arose when converting wood-burning houses to coal
- If you like privacy, be glad you were born after indoor plumbing
- The rapid transformation from containerization took everyone by surprise
- Top athletes don’t see what they do as sacrificial at all. They like it (@mbateman)
- Applying a theory to make predictions is not a matter of naive “extrapolation”
- US-Russian relations, 1960s
Tweets & retweets
- The challenges of long-distance transportation of hydrogen
- Well-being as value-fulfillment
- Hot takes cool down in prediction markets
- When you make it harder to exit something, you make it harder to enter
- Civil asset forfeiture delenda est
- Americans are an amazing people, but perfectionist (@yashevde)
- A potential US rail strike would cause major supply chain disruptions (@typesfast)
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