Who does the artwork for LessWrong?

post by ektimo · 2024-05-26T05:55:12.224Z · LW · GW · No comments

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    13 habryka
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The art on the LessWrong site and books is amazing. The consistent theme across everything is beautiful!

hm... I just checked the physical book and it credits Midjourney. But I feel there must have been some serious prompt crafting/human artistry behind this? 

Is there some human that deserves credit for this? 


answer by habryka · 2024-05-26T17:30:25.052Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Lots of people on the LW team have gotten pretty good at using prompting, editing and art generation. My guess is I have had the biggest effect on our art choices, followed by Raemon, followed by Ben, followed by kave (who wrote our art pipeline for the new Best of LessWrong page).

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