AI safety tax dynamics

post by owencb · 2024-10-23T12:18:32.243Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

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  How AI differs from other dangerous technologies
  Where is the safety tax peak for AI?
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Two important themes in many discussions of the future of AI are:

  1. AI will automate research, and thus accelerate technological progress
  2. There are serious risks from misaligned AI systems (that justify serious investments in safety)

How do these two themes interact? Especially: how should we expect the safety tax requirements to play out as progress accelerates and we see an intelligence explosion?

In this post I’ll give my core views on this:

I developed these ideas in tandem with my exploration of the concepts of safety tax landscapes, that I wrote about in a recent post [LW · GW]. However, for people who are just interested in the implications for AI, I think that this post will largely stand alone.

How AI differs from other dangerous technologies

In the post on safety tax functions, my analysis was about a potentially-dangerous technology in the abstract (nothing specific about AI). We saw that:

For most technologies, these abilities — the ability to invest in different aspects of the tech, and the ability to coordinate — are relatively independent of the technology; better solar power doesn’t do much to help us do more research, or sign better treaties. Not so for AI! To a striking degree, AI safety is a dynamic problem — earlier capabilities might change the basic nature of the problem we are later facing. 

In particular:

These are, I believe, central cases of the potential value of differential technological development (or d/acc) in AI. I think this is an important topic, and it’s one I expect to return to in future articles.

Where is the safety tax peak for AI?

Why bother with the conceptual machinery of safety tax functions? A lot of the reason I spent time thinking about it was trying to get a handle on this question — which parts of the AI development curve should we be most concerned about?

I think this is a crucial question for thinking about AI safety, and I wish it had more discussion. Compared to talking about the total magnitude of the risks, I think this question is more action-guiding, and also more neglected.

In terms of my own takes, it seems to me that:

On net, my picture looks very approximately like this:

(I think this graph will probably make rough intuitive sense by itself, but if you want more details about what the axes and contours are supposed to mean, see the post on safety tax functions [LW · GW].) 

I’m not super confident in these takes, but it seems better to be wrong than vague — if it’s good to have more conversations about this, I’d rather offer something to kick things off than not. If you think this picture is wrong — and especially if you think the peak risk lies somewhere else — I’d love to hear about that.

And if this picture is right — then what? I suppose I would like to see more work which is targeting this period.[2] This shouldn’t mean stopping safety work for early AGI — that’s the first period with appreciable risk, and it can’t be addressed later. But it should mean increasing political work which lays the groundwork for coordinating to pay high safety taxes in the later period. And it should mean working to differentially accelerate those beneficial applications of AI that may help us to navigate the period well.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Tom Davidson, Rose Hadshar, and Raymond Douglas for helpful comments.

  1. ^

    Of course “around as smart as humans” is a vague term; I’ll make it slightly less vague by specifying “at research and strategic planning”, which I think are the two most strategically important applications of AI.

  2. ^

    This era may roughly coincide with the last era of human mistakes — since AI abilities are likely to be somewhat spiky compared to humans, we’ll probably have superintelligence in many important ways before human competence is completely obsoleted. So the interventions for helping I discussed in that post may be relevant here. However, I painted a somewhat particular picture in that post, which I expect to be wrong in some specifics; whereas here I’m trying to offer a more general analysis.


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