Remembering names and using Hamming prompts: Rationality Dojo
post by Chriswaterguy · 2018-10-25T05:50:39.537Z · ? · GW · 0 commentsContents
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Eliot Redelman (who runs Less Wrong Sydney) will be in Melbourne, so we've invited him to run an ad hoc dojo.
Part 1: Remembering names has great social value, and we'll learn and practise various techniques to do this well.
Part 2: We'll consider "Hamming prompts".
* What are the most important problems in your life
* Why am I overlooking them and what happens when I do the slightly uncomfortable thing of looking right at them?
Optional pre-dojo exercise: Based on what you know about learning and memory, what kind of strategy might you create to remember names of people you meet?
Optional reading (completely unnecessary for attendance, but a great read): Talk by Richard Hamming (transcript, 13,000 words)
* If you arrive early it helps us start on time. *
4 pm meet & catch up.
4:30 pm start.
6:30 head for dinner in Chinatown.
Parliament Gardens (kind of near the fountain, away from the park's Parliament Station entrance so we catch any afternoon sun). Look for a big red check picnic rug.
If you have trouble finding us on the day, contact Chris on 0439 471 632.
A jacket.
A curious mind.
(Optional) a snack to share. Healthy snacks are especially appreciated.
A gold coin to contribute to costs.
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