I'm offering free math consultations!

post by Gurkenglas · 2025-01-14T16:30:40.115Z · LW · GW · 6 comments


  The advice that was most useful to most people

You can schedule them with me at this link: https://calendly.com/gurkenglas/consultation

We can discuss whatever you're working on, such as math or code, but usually people end up having me watch their coding and giving them tips.

Here's how this went last time [LW · GW]:

To my memory, almost every user wrote such praise[1]. Unfortunately, "almost every user" means four. I wish my schedule was chock full of them, hence this post. If you think I'm overqualified, please do me the favor of testing that hypothesis by booking a session and seeing if I regret it. I never have.[2]

The advice that was most useful to most people

was on how to use (graphical) debuggers. The default failure mode I see in a programmer is that they're wrong about what happens in their program. The natural remedy is to increase the bandwidth between the program and the programmer. Many people will notice an anomaly and then grudgingly insert print statements to triangulate the bug, but if you measure as little as you can, then you will tend to miss anomalies [LW · GW]. When you step through your code with a debugger, getting more data is a matter of moving your eyes. So set up an IDE and watch what your code does. And if a value is a matrix, the debugger had better matshow it to recruit your visual cortex.

If your math involves no coding... you have even less chance to notice anomalies. I assure you that there is code that would yield data about what your math does, you just don't have it. I prescribe that you write it.

Or have AI write it. Using more AI is a recommendation I give lots of people these days. Copilot suggests inline completions of the code you're writing; a sufficient selling point is that this can suggest libraries to import to reduce your tech debt, but I expect it to show you other worthwhile behaviors if you let it.

  1. ^

    I'm kinda sad that in mentioning the fact I am making it slightly less magical in the future, but I guess on a consequentialist level this is an appropriate time to cash it in.

  2. ^

    If you think I'm underqualified: My specialty is category theory, which studies the patterns that pop up across math, which is useful for stealing results from other math branches. I expect my highest impact so far came from pointing Infrabayesianism-Diffractor towards developing a concept of infrafunctions.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Joseph Miller (Josephm) · 2025-01-14T23:58:16.466Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Just did a debugging session IRL with Gurkenglas and it was very helpful!

comment by Johannes C. Mayer (johannes-c-mayer) · 2025-01-27T16:35:28.215Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Maybe better name: Let me help debug your math via programming

comment by Milli | Martin (Milli) · 2025-01-14T19:22:43.566Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Great initiative. I'm also surprised at times how many people program without utilizing the full potential of debuggers.

Depending on the line of work, parallelization / performance through matrix multiplication might not matter, though.

The last line says it's free, but you mention it's an ad repeatedly. Maybe clarify if you demand / expect / appreciate payment in the beginning.

Replies from: Gurkenglas
comment by Gurkenglas · 2025-01-14T19:40:48.736Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Thanks, edited. Performance is not the only benefit, see https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/MHqwi8kzwaWD8wEQc/would-you-like-me-to-debug-your-math?commentId=CrC2 [LW(p) · GW(p)]

Replies from: MondSemmel
comment by MondSemmel · 2025-01-14T22:14:14.213Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

You're making a very generous offer of your time and expertise here. However, to me your post still feels way, way more confusing than it should be.

Suggestions & feedback:

  • Title: "Get your math consultations here!" -> "I'm offering free math consultations for programmers!" or similar.
    • Or something else entirely. I'm particularly confused how your title (math consultations) leads into the rest of the post (debuggers and programming).
  • First paragraph: As your first sentence, mention your actual, concrete offer (something like "You screenshare as you do your daily tinkering, I watch for algorithmic or theoretical squiggles that cost you compute or accuracy or maintainability." from your original post, though ideally with much less jargon). Also your target audience: math people? Programmers? AI safety people? Others?
  • "click the free https://calendly.com/gurkenglas/consultation link" -> What you mean is: "click this link for my free consultations". What I read is a dark pattern à la: "this link is free, but the consultations are paid". Suggested phrasing: something like "you can book a free consultation with me at this link"
  • Overall writing quality
    • Assuming all your users would be as happy as the commenters you mentioned, it seems to me like the writing quality of these posts of yours might be several levels below your skill as a programmer and teacher. In which case it's no wonder that you don't get more uptake.
    • Suggestion 1: feed the post into an LLM and ask it for writing feedback.
    • Suggestion 2: imagine you're a LW user in your target audience, whoever that is, and you're seeing the post "Get your math consultations here!" in the LW homepage feed, written by an unknown author. Do people in your target audience understand what your post is about, enough to click on the post if they would benefit from it? Then once they click and read the first paragraph, do they understand what it's about and click on the link if they would benefit from it? Etc.
Replies from: Gurkenglas
comment by Gurkenglas · 2025-01-14T23:34:10.371Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Thanks, edited. If we keep this going we'll have more authors than users x)