Retrospective on Mathematical Boundaries Workshop

post by miyazono, Chipmonk · 2024-05-12T21:58:46.367Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

This is a link post for


  Minimum viable introduction
  Outputs from the workshop
    Here are write-ups started during writing sessions during the workshop:
  General structure from the workshop
  Next steps
  Evan’s personal takes
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mostly written by Evan Miyazono

Minimum viable introduction

Outputs from the workshop

Here are write-ups started during writing sessions during the workshop:

Noting that I’m getting these to you before I’ve read them, so don’t expect me to be able to answer questions about them.

Also worth noting, Nathaniel Virgo and Martin Biehl participated in this panel discussion at a later workshop in Kyoto, where we discussed some of the issues that came up at the boundaries workshop

General structure from the workshop

The general daily structure was scheduled to be “a talk and a breakout session before lunch, then a breakout session and a longer-form discussion after lunch,” though we weren’t particularly strict adherents. 

We found on Thursday (day 1 of 4) that the group wanted to continue discussing after Martin’s interesting talk and ending up doing more like “A talk and a discussion, followed by breakouts after lunch.”  Thursday breakouts were (1) a session on trying to work out a cocategorical formalism for specifying things via wholes in which they participate, rather than by composing together their parts and a session on, and (2) an idea to formalize / keep track of gliders as non-deterministic or possibilistic closed dynamical systems. [I don’t know what]

Friday morning Nathaniel gave a talk on control theory that was so engaging we reached a consensus on pointing the rest of the workshop towards fleshing out adjacent ideas.

Saturday was primarily time for writing down outputs (learnings from last time: have a big block of time to support people in generating written artifacts), and also included a small breakout group on nondeterminism (that one led to Kevin’s blog post).

Sunday morning some individuals started departing and we had some visitors, most activities involved chatting about a wide range of topics after an intense few days.

Next steps

Evan’s personal takes

Here’s some notes that are very specific to me.

Lastly, here are some random assorted brief insights that I liked:

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