**Venue Changed** ACX Montreal Meetup Jun 18 2022

post by Emmett (E) · 2022-06-02T00:43:39.634Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


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The date is Saturday, June 18th 2022 at 1:00pm. Due to the projected rain, we will be meeting at Ye Old Orchard on Prince Arthur Street.


Come on out to the ACX (Astral Codex Ten) Montreal Meetup. We will be hosting a discussion about a topic familiar to us all: Trying.

It is the difference between getting things done and accomplishing nothing. It often seems like putting in an effort is tiring and difficult, but does that just mean we're doing it wrong? How do we deceive ourselves into thinking we're trying when we're actually not?

We have selected two pieces that contain some ideas on what we can hope to achieve when we try, and what we can do to get better results when trying. Doing the reading is recommended but feel free to come even if you forget or don't have time to.

95%-ile isn't that good by Dan Luu (14m read if you skip the footnotes & appendices)
Stop trying to try and try by Nate Soares (12m read)

RSVPing is not mandatory but it encourages others to come.


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