Where can I publish an article containing a list of intellectuals who publicly admitted their mistakes once proven wrong?

post by Hashem ElAssad (hashem-elassad) · 2022-04-24T09:00:35.804Z · LW · GW · No comments

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    3 Yitz
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I’m writing  a piece  about (Public “I was wrong" admissions by intellectuals & thought leaders)  that I’m planning to publish. It contains 6 people till now. Any tips on who would be interested in publishing such a piece (preferably paid)?


answer by Yitz · 2022-04-25T00:41:42.556Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

I don't know about formal publishing, but I'm sure this forum would be happy to host such a post. That would technically make it self-published, so unless there's some reason why you'd want a third party to publish it, I'd just go with that.

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