Playing with Otamatones

post by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2025-01-02T19:50:01.781Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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A couple months ago Nora (3y) got very into Otamatones. She wanted to watch lots of videos, primarily TheRealSullyG. She asked for one for Christmas, and so did I:

They're a lot of fun, but I haven't yet figured out if it's an instrument I'll ever be able to reliably play in tune.

The basic idea is you have a touch sensitive ribbon which triggers a pitch dependent on the location of your finger, and then you squeeze the cheeks to control the volume. Nora's small pink one is the standard size, and I find it quite hard to use with grownup fingers. My big red one is the "deluxe" model, and at the larger size the ribbon is quite playable.

Lily made a video of the Mary Ellen Spider song with an Otamatone actor, though (perhaps for the best) the instrument is not featured musically:

I measure both models as having 29-31 half steps (2.5 octaves) depending on which setting you're using:

Overall it's a fun and silly instrument, though there are a few smallish places it could be better:

Still, I'm happy! And now Anna is asking for one for her birthday, which would let us play as a trio.

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