August 2024 Time Tracking

post by jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-08-24T13:50:04.676Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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Every so often ( 2022, 2017, more 2017, 2015, 2011) Julia and will track how we spend our time for a week. This is useful for seeing whether how we're spending our time matches how we think we're spending it (and how we would like to be spending it) while also avoiding a pattern where one of us ends up putting in substantially more hours on childcare or other shared responsibilities without us noticing.

We tracked one week, starting the morning of Saturday August 3rd. We'd tried to pick a relatively normal week: neither of us was traveling for work or gigs, we had childcare all five weekdays, no big house projects, etc. There are always some unusual things, though:

We used the same categories as last time, except that last time we did something complicated with "family" vs "childcare", where we tried to count it as "family" if it was relaxing and fun, and "childcare" if it felt like a chore. This time we did a simpler thing and just counted any time where one of us was responsible for at least one kid as "childcare" and time when Julia and I were both hanging out with the kids as "family". As the kids have gotten older the fraction of time when they need "childcare", narrowly construed, has decreased a lot.

mean hours per day by activity


Overall we're pretty happy with our divisions, and aren't planning to change allocations in response to what we learned with this round of time tracking.

I also wanted to look back and see how my time allocation has changed over the past nine years:


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