Riga EA/ACX Meetup June 2024

post by Anastasia (anastasia), Arturs (arturs-kanepajs) · 2024-06-20T16:33:09.773Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


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We will gather at the "Brūzis" Manufactory, 401c Brīvības Street, Riga, from 18:00.

This time we will try a slightly different meeting format, centered on an informal discussion about and around current articles, specifically Lyman stone's criticism of EA and Scott Alexander's response to it. This is a compelling topic because it conveys both the philosophy and practical implementation of EA, as well as how the general public sees EA.

Please read or at least flip through these three articles before the meeting, which we can then collectively discuss:

1) https://medium.com/@lymanstone/why-effective-altruism-is-bad-80dfbccc7a68

2) https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/contra-stone-on-ea

3) https://medium.com/@lymanstone/effective-altruism-is-still-bad-7c2a6c947122 

When the fuel for debate is exhausted, let's jump into free-form conversations as usual!


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