2nd Munich Online SSC Meetup July 2020

post by pranomostro · 2020-07-08T19:21:36.319Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


  Regarding COVID-19
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Regarding COVID-19

The in-person version of this meetup has been cancelled. Instead, we are going to use discord. The invite link is here.

If you don't live in Munich and still want to join, you are invited to do so!

Hello everybody,

We are a new-ish SSC meetup in Munich formed during the last “Meetups Everwhere” event. After the first meetup, we decided to make this a regular monthly meeting. At meeups, we usually have a casual conversation about whatever topic comes to our fancy. We usually speak English, but most people will also be able to speak German.

In the spirit of “Meetups Everywhere”, anyone who wants to come can come. Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, even if you're not “the typical SSC reader”, even if you're worried people won't like you, etc.

I'm looking forward to the event



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