Survey on lifeloggers for a research project
post by Mati_Roy (MathieuRoy) · 2023-03-26T00:02:40.090Z · LW · GW · 0 commentsContents
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Actionable item: fill out this survey
Emmanuelle Caccamo is a Professor in Semiotics Studies at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. I got in contact with zir because we both featured in the episode "Outsmarting Death" of the podcast series Following our footsteps: Death in the digital era (produced in Quebec, in French)—an episode on lifelogging as life extension [LW · GW].
Ze has done great work around studying lifelogging / lifelogging as life extension / perfect memory technologies, mostly from a sociological point of view. Notable examples of this work are:
- Imagining "total memory" technologies with Western audiovisual science fiction (1990-2016): semiotic, intermedial and technocritical study of representations of personal memory (in French)
- Encyclopedia of Imaginary Media: Total Memory Machines (in French), which includes a great glossary
For all zir work, you can see zir profile.
Ze is now doing a study on lifeloggers and the lifelogging community. If you have an interest in lifelogging and want to support zir work, I encourage you to fill out this survey. Ze will also invite some people filling the survey for further interviews after that (which are optional, of course).
I will share on the Lifelogging as Life Extension Facebook group. I encourage you to share in any other relevant groups.
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