Boston Astral Codex Ten Nov 20th "Friendsgiving" gathering

post by delton137 · 2021-11-07T14:13:17.418Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


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It's starting to get cold around here, so this month will be our last outdoor meetup of the year. We'll be meeting at JFK Park on Saturday, November 20, from noon to 3pm, including an optional thanksgiving potluck. Bringing food is encouraged but not required. (Please show up with nothing rather than skip it because you can't bring anything.) Robi is going to make strawberry rhubarb pie.

For future meetups, we're planning to start meeting indoors where will be doing some more structured gatherings featuring either a talk or interview/Q&A with a community member who is doing something cool. Please get in touch if you want to give a presentation or sit down for an interview and Q&A. Most likely we'll be at Cambridge Public Library a few times during the winter.


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