Welcome to Northampton Astral Codex Ten Meetup

post by Alex Liebowitz (alex-liebowitz) · 2021-08-23T21:18:22.372Z · ? · GW · 0 comments

We started with the 2018 Meetups Everywhere with a showing of 12 people. We've gained and lost some over time and currently have a rotation of about 15-20 regulars, of which anywhere from 4 to 7 might come on a typical meetup. Topics range wildly and on a given day we might talk about ACX material 50% of the time or not at all.

We meet in several bars and restaurants in Northampton, most often Progression Brewing Company or Packard's.

Needless to say, rationalists and EA folks of all stripes are welcome, including total newcomers. We've had people ranging from old-school rationalists dating back to the Overcoming Bias era, to people who just heard about rationalism the same day, to a literal baby (who, frankly, didn't really pull his weight in the conversation).

Look forward to seeing you!


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