Effective Altruism Miami - Intro to Forecasting and Prediction Markets

post by EAMiami · 2025-02-21T22:46:04.241Z · ? · GW · 0 comments


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We'll be hosting a workshop on forecasting and prediction markets. A lot of our work as effective altruists involves preparing or addressing for issues in the future, but how exactly do we "know" what the future has in store for us? To the extent that we can put numbers on things, what's the likelihood of General Artificial Intelligence emerging in the next 25 years? What's the chance of another global pandemic in the 10? We'll develop this important skill together!

There will be lots of room for discussion and questions so please feel free to join and participate! No prior knowledge is needed, and we encourage you to attend if you feel uncertain.

When: Saturday, February 22 from 1-3 p.m.

Where: Coconut Grove Branch Library @ 2875 McFarlane Rd, Miami, FL 33133

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